by hayley culver
(daytona beach fl)
Hello, Well it is like you stated above as far as being a female driving. I went with a trainer with the company my husband started out with. We felt it would be better to learn from someone else. It did help, I still talk to my trainer, he only trains women because he did say he feels women take the job more serious.
I had a lot of issues when I started . Over and above help from drivers, which my husband didn't care for we even had a guy jump up in the truck with me when he was in the back coaching me to back into a dock. That was a experience and a half.
I would also come upon drivers that felt like I needed to get out of their way. I had ones holler at me and try to play with me blocking me in and playing with me to not let me pass.
I have drivers now get mad because I don't speed, which I feel is safe. I don't speed through construction and I have had them go as far to get on the cb and ask my why am I going to slow...its the speed limit...But I love to drive and I love to be on the truck with my husband.
We started as company moved to owner operator and now working on our own authority. So we are doing good and enjoying the trucking business.