husbands behavior is perplexing

by Jill Harper
(Cookeville, TN)

me (jill)

me (jill)

My husband is a wonderful caring selfless man. we have been together a lil over 2yrs & got married 4/9/12. i have 2 kids & so does he (all live w/us) so while he is on the road its just me raising them. he is home sat night til mon afternoon.

our life is perfect EXCEPT for the fact that he keep buying prepaid cell phones to text women he meets. not just as friends but sexting also. he does not just do this during times when im busy w/kids mostly w/his autistic child but he will lie & say hes going to bed to be off phone w/me to sit & talk to & text these women.

is this typical behavior for a truck driver? how should i handle this? every time i bust him he acts sorry & swears it will never happen again but, it always does. i am at my ropes end.

besides this our life is perfect..i just dont get it.

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Mar 18, 2013
I know the best counselor.....
by: Anonymous

All you need to do is PRAY to God and ask Him to help you... NEVER believe He won't hear you...even if you haven't talked to Him in a while or maybe you never have...but talked to Him ... there's no special way to pray...just ask Him straight out... and expect to hear from Him...He'll let you know or He'll just handle it...He's like that! ... There's nothing any person on here could really tell you or do for you... but I direct you to your heavenly Father...and He will be there...Call out to'll be glad you did.

Mar 04, 2013
by: Anonymous

What a loser, ew gross! Get out of there!!!

Jan 25, 2013
You are better than this
by: Anonymous

Girl, you are a strong woman. Don't keep letting him doing this to you. Even if he is not meeting these women, he is emotionally cheating on you. Its not right for you to have to go through. You are smarter and stronger than this.

I am sorry to say this and I don't know too much about your situation, but, pretend for a moment....that this was happening to your daughter and her husband. What advice would you give your own child? To stay or to run?

The only thing we have in life is time, its precious. Do you want to spend the next 10 years living like this? Feeling not as good and somehow you will end up blaming yourself.

My opinion is do what ever makes you happy, but don't short change yourself.

Nov 02, 2012
Time To Cut Ties
by: Anonymous

Honey, it's time to call it quits with this horn-dog. He's taking advantage of your good nature, and unless you want to be with a cheater, you need to walk away with no regrets.

Oct 31, 2012
not cool
by: Anonymous

you should ask him how he would feel if the shoe were on the other foot..I bet he wouldn't like that idea one bit!

Oct 31, 2012
not cool
by: Anonymous

you should ask him how he would feel if the shoe were on the other foot..I bet he wouldn't like that idea one bit!

Oct 31, 2012
what if the shoe was on the other foot
by: Anonymous

you should ask him how he would feel if the shoe were on the other foot..I bet he wouldn't like that idea one bit!

Oct 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

Although this type of behavior may sound typical to the truck driver lifsstyle, it is far from normal. If you believe that this is appropriate behavior, and just because it sounds typical does not make it right.

If a person is in a marriage that is an open one, than this behavior shouldnt bother them. If your not a person in an open marriage than this should bother you.

I for one will not validate the concerns about this topic, and anyone in there right mind would not either. If a person is looking for an excuse to stay with someone because the bad behavior is typical, really needs to take a deeper look into what is right and what is wrong with the picture.

I am sorry for you, and that you are willing to give up your life, and taking care of another person's sick child, only to put up with crap like this man is serving you. You should think better of yourself than this.

Two years is nothing to give up, you have a whole life ahead of you, you are a beautiful woman and some lucky beautiful guy deserves your love and kindness.

This idiot does not know what he has, and guess what it will not change much in the coming years, because what is more typical is that they will leave the wife home to tend to everything while they keep the other one housed, fed, and clothed while you work your ass off for them.

Oct 23, 2012
What ive tried
by: Anonymous

Ive tried sexting, and send "dirty" pics of myself...he usually says nothing at all. If I ask hell say "yeah I gotem" in a very uninterested tone. Hes a totally different person when hes gone. at home hes all about me & my body.

Ive tried roll playing but all he is interested in is talking about having a 3some with another woman. He has even asks me to get new pics from my friends which I refuse to do. Im feeling like hes just not ever going to be faithful.

Oct 23, 2012
Im sorry..
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry as its not fair to you. It sounds understandably like you are trying to be cool about the situation,but I hear you being passive aggressive to have to deal with extra issues from he and his children.

Have you tried sexting him throughout the day? Since this is an expensive habit for you both. I would even say to get face time on both phones for more of an exciting intimate encounters while he's over the road. You may have to roll play to get his undivided attention.

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