Husband's gone and finances and kids are out of control

by Teresa

Yet another job that I had to leave because my husband's always gone.. And yes we really needed the money.

But when you have 4 kids and your husband is only home a weekend every two weeks, all and I mean all of the appointments and emergencies are your responsibility, it's difficult.

Employers don't understand, schools don't understand and the courts definitely don't understand. My daughter recently got into trouble at school and was court ordered to attend therapy and classes.

Now keep on mind that she also sees a psychiatrist a dermatologist and her regular pediatrician. Well although I was really tryin to juggle all the appointments and work full time doctors and therapists usually make appointments 9-5. I have been getting up at 4:30 to get the kids ready for school and do the things I never seem to have time to do.

The stress is overwhelming and I am exhausted. My job suffers, my kids suffer and I look like I am going to drop dead from exhaustion. Then my job announces that we need to work mandatory overtime.

Well that's the straw that broke the camels back. Once again I turn in my two week notice. So here I am again at home trying to figure out what we can and can't pay.

Now I have time for the appointments, the emergencies, the housework, etc, but we can hardly pay the bills. I have been married to an over the road truck driver for over 20 years.

Out marriage is no longer a marriage, our finances are a total wreck and I feel like I did a horrible job raising my children because I was exhausted and overwhelmed.

Yes when your husband is gone all the time you have to be both mom and dad. I wish I could go back and do things differently.

I feel like I did such a terrible job.

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May 01, 2012
You are welcome NEW
by: Anonymous

All anybody can do is their best and if somebody asks for more their being unreasonable. Look at the end of the day if we still have our health, strength and family we are okay because everything else can be replaced day by day sometimes minute by minute. Just keep trying and remember you can only fail if you stop trying. My prayers are with you/ family.

May 01, 2012
Stay Positive NEW
by: Anonymous

You try your best. Your kids understand that.

May 01, 2012
Thanks for the encouragement! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your post! I did try really hard and until the recent economy disaster, we had a lot of joy and love in our family. However when you lose everything, including your home, savings and insurance, it's hard to rebuild your life. It isn't just the money, it's losing your security and stability that paralyzes you the most!!!! I'm still hanging on there trying to pull it together.., Thank you!!!!

Apr 30, 2012
Well done NEW
by: Anonymous

It sounds like you did the best you could under the circumstances. Remember you are only human and can only do so much. I wish people could be more understanding. Be thankful for what you did contribute instead of focusing on the things that just didnt get done. All those responsibilities aren't just yours and if everybody would carry their own weight things could be more functional. Good Luck

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