I am 17 and would like to start getting my CDL in utah, how, and where can I do that?

by Rach
(Vernal, UT)

I want to start getting my CDL, Im 17, and would like to just take the tests and not have to go to the trucking schools if I can help it. (limited funds) So if there are places near Vernal, utah, that you know of i would really appreciate it if you would let me know.

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Nov 24, 2010
You're too young, BUT!!!...
by: Anonymous

Every state has a minimum age of 18 for an intrastate CDL, which means you can only drive within the state of issue. For an interstate CDL You have to be at least 21.

Most states have a farm provision, which says you can drive a truck at 16, within a certain amount of miles from the farm, something to look into.

Most insurance companies, therefore trucking companies, insist you attend a driving school, and then drive with a trainer for a certain amount of time (varies by company, but anywhere between 1 and 7 months)

Although I'm not a big fan of the company, Prime Inc (Springfield, MO) has the best training program, but you drive with a one-on-one trainer for 6+ months

This is a great opportunity for you to take time and investigate companies thoroughly. Just because a company offers you the world doesn't mean they actually intend to give it to you.

Nov 21, 2010
Local Company Sponsored Truck Driver Training
by: Hervy

Do a customer search on Google for company sponsored training in your area.
Local company sponsored truck driver training

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