I am a motivated truckers girlfriend looking for work at home jobs
by Selena
So my boyfriend just got his CDL 2 months ago and has been working for May Trucking company for about 3 weeks now. He is about to solo out. I'm months away from my Bachelors Degree.
I want to be with him but I want to work as well. Is there any job that I can do in the truck with him. Like online stuff or something that doesn't require going to the office everyday. There's got to be something I can do in the semi while he is driving.
Anybody know of anything or know of anyone who works while on the road with their man? I wanna work and be with my love. I've looked for online jobs but they all seem to require money or are just scams. I don't really want to be a trucker myself or just be unemployed and follow him around.
I'm not the kind of girl to just sit around and wait. I want to be out there with him and I want to be working as well. Well until kids come along but that is in the distant future.
Please give me any info you have!!!
Email me at Lena_2023@hotmail.com