I am a unemployed local class A driver wanting to go OTR

by Darrin

I have a perfect driving record. This past September through Craigslist I had an opportunity to haul dry freight out west from St.louis with Roadrunner Dawes with no OTR experience.

I was driving for a contracted owner operator driver of theirs based out of Oklahoma. Long story short I was promised long miles and home time every 2 weeks. After they got me out there on the west coast they kept giving me LA to Sumner WA runs and nothing back out to St. Louis or any where else out this way for that matter.

Turns out all the teams were getting those "dedicated" runs. So not only was I not getting back home, I wasn't making the money they promised either. After threatening to lock the truck up at the San Fran terminal, they finally got me loaded up for St. Louis after 6 weeks of layovers and low mile runs out on the west coast.

I took the truck back to it's owner and moved on. I realize I walked into that one rather easily and there was a good reason why.

Looking back I also realize I was lucky to land the break and wish now I would've just stuck it out for the 6 mos. of experience. With all this being said, can somebody tell me how I can get into the business without having to go to a school to get a CDL that I already have?

I can handle a truck, the mountains, the paperwork and even the lifestyle, I just need a decent job that won't make a bunch of empty promises.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any help.


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Mar 06, 2010
Unemployed Trucker
by: Hervy

Hello DC,

Thanks for that little lesson you just gave to the other drivers coming after you man! :-)

Sorry you ended up a victim. Don't worry you're not alone. I guess these guys feel like since they are giving you a chance for experience they have a right to abuse your service.

You should report him to the labor board and take him to small claims court.

Attention to all owner operators looking for someone to get over on.....here's a thought.

Why not just propose to the new drivers up front that you will take a chance if he will give you 2 weeks free driving or something. Of course they won't like it and may say know. Leave him or her your number and tell them to call you back if they can't get hired.

At the end of the day if the person calls you back you will have a good relationship and he or she may make your best driver instead of a spoiled relationship because you were a snake.

Sorry DC.. I had to get that out.

Well you got the right attitude man, you could have stuck it and got the experience but your not out of the game. Someone will let you in.

Try the companies Suggested at the bottom of the page after you click the link for Felons (Because if they will hire felons they should hire you)

trucking jobs for felongs

Here are some more ideas for landing another trucking job.

how to get trucking experience as a new driver

Feb 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

what is it going to take to get someone to look at the way trucking operates and treats people? These companies should be held accountable for their lying and poor treatment of gals and gals who get suckered in by the bull S.

Feb 25, 2010
Throwing away a good gig.
by: Jimmy

DC, You messed up. Driving for an O/O smaller company looks pretty good now, doesn't it? That's the problem with newbies. They are too quick to jump ship instead of toughing it out for a period of time. But, that's in the past, so move on and look for a new adventure. Just remember, YOU have to adhere to the lifestyle, not the other way around. Good luck....Jimmy

Feb 25, 2010
by: DC

Thanks, yeah I've heard ablout the empty promise thing from several drivers now so I'm already willing to except some disappointment, but like you said hopefully it will pick up soon and get back to a good way to make a living. I'll just keep trying and if all else fails maybe Swift or some company like that will put me through their training program for some experience. Thanks again.

Feb 24, 2010
good luck
by: Anonymous

most companies make promises they can't keep, you just have to find the one that you are willing to stay with after promises are broke. right now it's hard to find a job in any company; but I do know that crst is hiring and they take just about anyone; but the pay is low to start with and it's all team driving. I also know there are a few companies in WI that are hiring, but I can't remember the names right now.
Good luck, hopefully the trucking industry will pick up soon.

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