i am Getting Denied for truck driver training

by Rusty Martin

I have applied to 2 CDL training schools and have been denied by both places. Central Refrigerated and Driver Solutions. I got fired from my last job (non-driving) and I feel like I was wrongly fired. Central told me that was the reason they denied me, but Driver Solutions didn't give me a reason. They just told me that thier attempts failed and that I can re-apply in 6 months. Does anyone know a company or program like these ones that'ss pay the upfront costs of the schooling and that will accept me even though I was wrongly fired from my last job. Thanks for any help.

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Oct 27, 2009
Update with new idea for getting CDL training
by: Rusty Martin Jr

Thank you for all your advice everyone, but yet once again, I've been denied through CR England.

I don't understand what is going on. As a first timer trying to get training I am already beginning to believe that none of the CDL training companies really help anyone.

But on a second notion, I have come up with another idea that I could use some input on.

I was thinking about just applying for a government grant or something, so that when I apply to another company, I can say I want to pay for it upfront instead of them paying it, maybe this is the only way someone will accept me. Does anyone have any input on the realization of getting a government grant?

I'm not sure how hard it may be to get one if it is even possible. They say that the government will give you a grant for just about anything, even just some extra spending money, but with the world the way it is now, who knows how much of it is true.

Any input on this idea would also be very helpful as I am about at my wits end with the trucking industry already cause no one is willing to help me become what I want to be.

Thanks again for the input.

Oct 25, 2009
Don't be discouraged.
by: Jimmy

Just keep making phone calls. See if you qualify for state assistance through a Community College. They're pretty loose with funding. Jimmy

Oct 23, 2009
Trying to help
by: Nick V

Try Swift. I would say Roadmasters but I had a horrible experience with them.

Also I think CR England has some sort of program but when they tell you about it listen good cause it sounded like to me you dont get paid for a really long time. But hey if that's what ya gotta do that's what ya gotta do.

You could be like me and in thousands of dollars of debt to a trucking company and now cant get a job cause of my past. I dont cuss on here cause I respect the site but Roadmasters can stick it where the sun dont shine.

Don't worry boys, im still tryin though!

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