I am heavily tattooed and want to be a trucker

by Joe

I am interested in becoming a truck driver and I am very heavily tattooed. I have both sleeves as well as the back of my hands and knuckles. I also have a small one on my face next to my eye. I knew employment would be an issue when I got my hands and face tattooed and I am ok covering them as I have had to do so for quite some time now but I was just wondering if it is as big an issue in trucking as it is in other career fields.

I know I will never work as a teacher or doctor looking this way and I am fine with that because I want to be an otr trucker like my dad and his dad before him.

SO any help with my question would be very helpful because I dont want to pay for cdl training and not be able to get hired anywhere

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Aug 17, 2014
job NEW
by: Anonymous

CR England

Aug 17, 2014
job NEW
by: Anonymous

CR England

Aug 12, 2014
... NEW
by: Anonymous

They have clinics that you can remove tattoo's and I think you can find one that is free for facial tattoo's besides what does tattoo's got to do with trucking?? The guys at the loading docks could careless?? it's not like you are working behind a desk.....its a wheel your driving behind. lol. Anyway my trucker guy is tacked back and has been trucking for 25 years...yes sleeves and leg sleeves if that's what they are called, he wears nothing but shorts even in the winter hahahha....he cracks me up...but we are from sunny California beach area and we live in shorts!

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