I am losing income because of being in the shop who pays for it

by daniel

had and accident but was not at faulter my truck is being repaird am losing income who pays for i

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Jul 23, 2013
Layover Pay NEW
by: NickV

You need to speak with your employer about their layover pay policies. If you are not home during these repairs you should be allowed a certain amount of money per day after you have been waiting so many hours. If you are waiting at home then your employer will probably just see this as time off and your kinda screwed at that point. You need to pick up the phone, bother them, tell them you want another truck. Stay on top of them every single day 4 times a day. The more you hound on them the better off you are. There were some cases I would sit at home waiting on a repair and call my employer to ask if my truck was done and they would say no its not. Id then call the truck shop and they would say yeah it was done yesterday we are waiting on payment and its ready to come pick up!! You gotta remember with most of these companies there are tens, of hundreds, of thousands of trucks and trailers plus employee's. Its easy to get lost in the numbers so you gotta make yourself stand out. Get on them, tell them you feel your being mistreated and your family is suffering, go for gold, make some stories up, God knows they do it when you want your hometime. Best of luck to you and the bottom line is stay on top of them, make em sick of you til you get what you want.

Jul 23, 2013
Who pays for lost income? NEW
by: Vicki Simons

Hello, Daniel,

I posted a reply to your question about losing income over required repairs on our website.

When you get back on the road, Mike and I wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons


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