I am not a owner operater but I would like to lease purchase!

by Brandall Boling
(Bremen, Ga.)

I have 18 months of driving under my belt but not since 2009 looking to get back on the road again!!!! or I can start as a company driver THANK YOU!
lease purchase program Atlanta Ga

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Nov 12, 2012
Lease purchase NEW
by: Wesley

You say you been out of trucking since 2009 you might have to take a refresher course at a trucking school or find a company that has its own training and go that route. Because without any recent experience none of them probably won't hire you. Once you satisfy their training requirements and get all the riding with a trainer stuff out of the way past the road test, get your truck you need to meet their time on the road requirements in a company truck first whatever they are, then you'll be eligible to lease purchase from them after meeting whatever there lease purchase requirements are most companies will be happy to lease with you after you get all that stuff out of the way so go for it. Good luck

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