I am proud to be a truckers wife.

by Lisa Cassman
(Blaine, Mn)

I am a truckers wife. I am a newly wed, and at one point in my life I told myself I would never be married to a trucker because of the bad rap they receive. And personally knowing a trucker who would go to strip clubs and see other women while his wife was at home with their children.

My husband is the most trusting man I have ever met. From day one, even while dating, he has let me know where he is at, when he wakes up and goes to sleep. I have not once asked him to do that. That is by his choice.

We also send little sayings and love notes on facebook or text messages and talk on the phone daily.

I am able to make it while he is gone because I am a Christian Counselor and like to help others and have come to like who I am and who God created me to be.

I also have his family that is so supportive if I need to talk or see someone they are there for me.

I am so proud of my husband and can say I am proud to be a truckers wife.

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Oct 27, 2011
Ripley's Believe It or Not
by: hervy

Lisa, I am so happy you decided to share your life as a trucker's wife with us. It's so common to hear mostly the worst case scenarios that occur in the lifestyle.

Hearing from ladies like you will help many other women who may be worried that it is impossible to be happy and have faith in their relationships or even that there is a good man out there. Especially a man who is a trucker.

Your husband seems to have the qualities that many women would want in a man and that makes the difference. Not all men would take it upon themselves to proactively call, but then again many women would not appreciate that behavior the way you do either. lol.

Bottom line is you two are compatible.

Best of luck to you two and keep spreading the good news!

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