I am so proud of my trucker!

by Juls
(Green Bay WI)

hi everyone, I am disappointed in all the negative post on this site. I do not believe it is truckers that are bad, I believe every realationship needs attention. Good communication and being thoughful of the others needs is most important. It is amazing what these guys do, incredibly hard and lonley. If you want your guy to desire you and want to come home to you give him a reason to miss you. Be kind and thoughful, really listen when he talks,learn about his job and be supportive and encouraging. If you are doing these things and he does not treat you well then he is the wrong guy and get out. But before you point the finger look at your actions are you being a loving supportive girlfriend or wife? Are you someone you like? Take advantage of the time apart in becoming your best person. Set goals and try to reach them, ask for what you need instead of making them guess. It is hard being with someone you love, in my case only seeing him every 6 or 8 weeks for a handful of days, but we make those days count and I am stronger because of this realtionship and it feels great! I wouldn't trade it for anything, I adore my guy and am adored in retuprn.

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Aug 11, 2011
So true.....
by: DV

I second what you wrote. It's no easier on the guys than it is on tha gals and it takes two! Kudos to your post!

May 16, 2011
roud of my Trucker too!
by: Rhoda

I so agree! My husband and I communicate often daily while hes gone and always look forward to his return home! If you show him respect at all times and thank him for what he is giving up to support you and your family & put an interest in his life and what he does I think you would be amazed!! When my husband comes home we like to have special things baked or special things that we know he likes. When I realized how hard it was on my husband being away from the children and I and quit thinking about me it really made me stop and think abot all of his lonely days & nights & ect... Best wishes everyone! Cant wait to see my husband in 3 hours!!!

May 06, 2011
by: JULS

oops... my spelling when posted was horriable, was so tired...and typed what i wanted to say too fast... you get the point. lol :)

May 06, 2011
So right
by: Laura

Cheers to you and your comments. My sentiments exactly. Be the kind of person YOU would want to come home to.... :-)

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