I can't drive a Stick Shift, can I be a trucker?

If I cannot drive a stick shift, am I up a creek without a paddle?

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Jun 24, 2009
by: Nick V

PRESS THE CLUTCH IN!!! HECK YES YOU CAN BE A TRUCKER NOT KNOWING HOW TO DRIVE STICK. Look man, I just got out of school and I was actually in the truck with 2 guys through my whole training that had no idea what a manual transmission was. Those trucks can take some SERIOUS beatings and considering its not yours AND its not your companies, feel free to grind away.

I would bet a paycheck to say that you wont be the only one scratchin gears, jumpin the clutch, stalling, poppin the clutch, all that mess. Why you think them trucks come with air ride, so bad drivers dont hit their heads when they bounce that tranny in gear haha. Trust me man, dont let something so minut stand in your way. It will come to you, just dont get discouraged.

Jun 20, 2009
Where's the clutch on this thing?
by: Jimmy

I had students when I was an instructor that could not drive a stick shift. But, guess what? After I got through with them,they could! So, they came away with two new conquests. Knowing how to drive a stick shift AND a big rig too.

Life is a challenge. Have a "can do" attitude. Think positive. The others can't do it, BUT, YOU can!!!!!!!!!!! Jimmy

Jun 17, 2009
Can a person who cant drive a stick learn to drive trucks?
by: Hervy

OF Course.

Don't sweat it, it's not as hard as it seems.
(yeah I know easier for me to say than for you to do.)

Also, they will teach you exactly how to shift in trucking school. Believe it or not a lot of people that start truck driving school don't know how to drive a stick shift.

Then after school you probably end up with an automatic transmission in your truck.


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