I consider myself lucky...

by DV

For all that dont have any hope or who may be having issues, please continue reading!!

My husband & I got married after 2 months of dating at age 19. Had kids immediately. Husband has been OTR for pretty much our entire marriage of 16 years. First few years was rough. We didn't trust each other and the issues with him being gone were so bad we separated.

It took us 5 years apart and us each growing up to realize marriage was about much more than jealousy and constant distrust. He is a flatbedder and gets home maybe 1 day a week if we are lucky. We have learned that the ONE day we might get together is to be cherished. We make the most out of what little time we get.

Is it tough raising the kids by myself and doing pretty much everything alone? For the most part, hell yeah. But its just as hard on him being AWAY from his kids who are growing up and he is not there to see them on birthdays, school events etc. Does it take a toll on our marriage? Nah, We don't see it that way.

We make sure the communication is a constant, we have "our" time when the other may be a little lonely. Theres ways to make it work, just gotta use your imagination. The silly texts he sends me are the little things I appreciate or him sending me flowers from the road (just makes my day). I like to have something for him occasionally when he gets home that I know mean a lot to him (his tea is always ready, his favorite candy bar under his pillow or a card stuffed in his bag that he wont find until he is gone again, making one of his favorite dinners or buying him something he has said in passing etc).

We are lucky enough to have the strongest marriage among those we know and sending him out the door each week has actually gotten easier over the years but thats because we have managed to make our marriage a priority.
We see it as his job, its who he is, all he knows and it pays him unlike any job he could get around here. He bought us a house he doesnt even get to live in it and busts his butt each day that he is gone. The least he deserves from us is a little respect, consideration and the love he needs and deserves since he is gone from the entire family majority of the time. I hope that each one of you wives who are having issues remember that its no easier on our men who are gone, they would rather be home with you and the kids any day.

Wishing everybody the best of luck!

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Apr 15, 2012
wow, how can we get there??? NEW
by: Cynthia Harris

WOW!!! i am impressed but everything yous aid made sense. I know he needs my love, devotion, and respect. It is still hard to say goodbye but that cdl license is his ticket to a successful job. he doesn't have a college degree and i know that his license is his way to a better life for us. but i have not gotten used to him being gone and staying connected. I felt for the last 8 months I had to disconnect from him when he wasn't home just to function. I didnt want to take the chance of being disappointed in not getting to talk to him. I didnt want to keep getting hurt. and he doesnt intentionally. he loves me more than anything in the world and would do anything for me. I just never thought i would be a truckers wife.

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