I don't want to live in a truck - any ideas

by anoymous

I really don't want to live in the truck. Don't get me wrong, of course I wanted to be with my husband and I know how hard it is being away from each other but I just can't live here.

He tried to convince me that living in the truck is a cheap living. We only spend food, phone, and lease payment. If I live in a house we had to pay for the rent or cost of buying it, car, and all that is associated with it.

He said that the only way I can't get out of the truck is if I want to is to get my foreign business degree transferred to American education degree thru online study and then get a job as a teacher in Grand Junction (since we both agreed that it is a place we both like if we have a house), if not I'll be staying in the truck.

The thing is I don't know how it works, or will it work? Reading or doing something while the truck is in motion makes me sick. Don't know what to do.

The longer I stay in the truck, the more I hate staying here but money wise, it's true..cheap living.

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Dec 27, 2014
he decided... NEW
by: Anonymous

I tell you, my husband is going to cut me loose. He will send me back to my home country. The plan of transferring my degree, get a teaching job then later get a place to stay is not going to happen. You know why? He said, he already know the future... as soon as I get a job, I will divorce him. So he said, it won't happen, that he can't stand being with me for few years knowing that I hate to live in the truck and that I told him working in the mall 12 hours a day, 6 days in a week is better than being in the truck What a life! Right? All I want to live normal, live in a house, work too not just because I want to earn money but also because I wanted to have social interaction and develop my personality, life, and experience by being with other people too. Now, I am being judged by my husband and if I refuse to go back to my country he would say all I want is citizenship.. so, I guess, i will be saying goodbye. Thank you for reading and writing a comment.

Dec 19, 2014
hey NEW
by: Anonymous

i get sick every time i go on trip...he got tired of taking me to doctors and not having free time....that changed his mind quick and never said a word thereafter...we now have property we are building on and a small inexpensive studio to live in till we are done. good luck do what you gotta do to get out of living like that...truck stops are full of germs coming in from around the world a person has to build a strong immune system in order to live like that and truck drivers are use to it...not just anyone can do this...

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