I don't want to live in a truck - any ideas
by anoymous
I really don't want to live in the truck. Don't get me wrong, of course I wanted to be with my husband and I know how hard it is being away from each other but I just can't live here.
He tried to convince me that living in the truck is a cheap living. We only spend food, phone, and lease payment. If I live in a house we had to pay for the rent or cost of buying it, car, and all that is associated with it.
He said that the only way I can't get out of the truck is if I want to is to get my foreign business degree transferred to American education degree thru online study and then get a job as a teacher in Grand Junction (since we both agreed that it is a place we both like if we have a house), if not I'll be staying in the truck.
The thing is I don't know how it works, or will it work? Reading or doing something while the truck is in motion makes me sick. Don't know what to do.
The longer I stay in the truck, the more I hate staying here but money wise, it's true..cheap living.