I don't want to see my boyfriend...weird

by Petra Howe
(Florida )

Why do i not want my boyfriend home when he has home. I dont care for him coming home...i do love him but i dont want to see him...wierd.

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Sep 01, 2017
I don't like seeing my driver when he comes home either NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't care to see mine either. I don't think I love him or like him like that anymore. He's dirty, and out of shape, and greasy all the time, plus he's always tired when he comes home, and doesn't make me a priority when he comes home Most times. I make a terrific salary alone, I'm starting to like other men. I did love him but nope I'm 36 he's 44 this ain't going to work. Dump his ass and get a man with a clean career

Feb 06, 2017
It's all in the details
by: Hervy

I don't think it is necessarily weird. Just depends on many variables.

If you are very independent and like doing things your way and he is a pain to be around because of his attitude or habits, one could easily see how you might be happy to see him leave.

That is just one example.

I think you have to figure out why you are happy to see him go. The question is are you happy with the relationship at all?

Are you just happy with the money, security or the entire relationships?

So only you can determine if your situation is something you look forward to for a lifetime or whether you spend time daydreaming about things being different.

Since you are asking the question it might be a flag that you are not fulfilled but maybe not.

You have to evaluate the situation.

There are plenty of women who love the free time and love their man. They just like doing things in the home their way, then having free time and the money to pursue other interests like school, working out, hobbies or pursuing their own career.

So for them the trucking lifestyle is perfect.

Not as simple as saying yes it is weird or no it is not weird.

Advice for improving the relationship

Feb 06, 2017
Trucker coming home
by: Anonymous

Well, we are ok once he is home for a day or two but than he leaves again for 21-25 days. Everytime, I have to adjust...him home,...him gone...back home...back gone, my world is like a roller coaster.

I have a very planned lifestyle...I don't do well with constant emotional changes. If he is gone...good. if he is home good too...but can't handle coming and going. Why?????

Jan 02, 2017
Not wanting to see him
by: Anonymous

No, it is not weird, because you are not the only one that feels like this. I, too, hate it when mine has home time.

You say you love him, maybe you do, I do not know, but a friend of mine said if you loved him, I would be happy to see him home, not away.

Anyway she said I would be better without him. Well my friend does not have a very good opinion of truck driver.

She never has anything positive to say!!

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