I enrolled in a cdl school, failed my drug screen, i am clean now , and will be forever, wanted to know if there is any chance of getting cdl or landing a trucking job?

(Ft. Worth, Texas)

Failed Dot drug screen, is my trucking career done?

Comments for I enrolled in a cdl school, failed my drug screen, i am clean now , and will be forever, wanted to know if there is any chance of getting cdl or landing a trucking job?

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Apr 10, 2011
Getting clean
by: Hervy

Congratulations Ft Worth...for getting clean.

Whatever the case. Don't get discouraged and allow disappointment to justify a relapse. Stay clean man, so you don't have to keep repeating the process.

Keep a positive attitude and just keep knocking on doors and trying creative ways to earn your chance to shine.


Apr 06, 2011
He made a Boo-Boo.
by: Jimmy

It depends if the drug test failure is listed on DAC. Truck companies steer clear of drivers that have any involvement with drugs. You have to decide if you want to get high or drive professionally. The two don't mix. If the test failure is on your DAC, I believe you can do a "rehab" program and then hope someone will take you on. It is possible, just not easy. Jimmy

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