I failed a drug test for prime inc

Prime told me I had to leave due to a failed drug test and I really stopped smoking because I really want to change my course of life. Will swift allow me to join their program?

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Dec 15, 2014
Failed drug test at prime NEW
by: Anonymous

What kind of drug test was it? How long did you stop before you were tested? Just curious what kind of testing they do

Apr 30, 2014
Your Career is not over NEW
by: Anonymous

Look I failed a pre employment drug test all you have to do is put that you never failed a drug test and apply to a bunch of companys and someone will take you and your drug test falls off of hire right after three years and who ever thinks I am wrong I have talked to hire right and they told me it falls off after three years and I have drove after a failed drug test and had tons of companys offer me jobs if you tell them they have to look into it but if you don't tell them a lot of company look the other way cause they need drivers.

Apr 30, 2014
Your Career is not over NEW
by: Anonymous

Look I failed a pre employment drug test all you have to do is put that you never failed a drug test and apply to a bunch of companys and someone will take you and your drug test falls off of hire right after three years and who ever thinks I am wrong I have talked to hire right and they told me it falls off after three years and I have drove after a failed drug test and had tons of companys offer me jobs if you tell them they have to look into it but if you don't tell them a lot of company look the other way cause they need drivers.

Mar 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

your career is over so go ahead smoke another blunt!

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