I feel alone even in a room filled with people as a truckers wife

by Angel

I love how when my husband is on his way home he's in a great mood I'll go fix my hair put on makeup and I hate makeup dress up then go pick him up and him ask me who I got dressed up for and tell me I look like a whore.

I don't understand. Are all truck driving men so mean and disrespectful sometimes I feel like my life is a pattern. I wake up take care of the baby walk the dog get griped at clean house get griped at run errands like today I had to drive all the way to Athens just to crank a car for him.

I have a I'll child that has been teething and all he cares about is himself. When I go to bed at night I pray for him and my child and my family you know what he does at night probably watches porn then hits the sack.

Sometimes I feel so lonely even in a room filled with people I feel so alone I wish I would have done something with my life instead of letting him tell me I can't ...

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Sep 16, 2014
No telling... NEW
by: ToniPriceless

I have no idea what your Husband is experiencing on the road but when you get dressed up & he says you like a whore. It's sounds like he's comparing you to something or maybe something someone told him. I understand how it feels to go out of your way and it's not appreciated. Your husband has some insecure and controlling issues but it's something within him that's making him feel insecure & he's taking it out on you. He sounds like he doesn't have a lot of confidence right now. If you don't like make-up & he doesn't like it. I don't see a reason to continue to wear it. You can still look good without make-up. Also as long as you're alive it's never too late to do something with your life. Whether you stay in your marriage or not. Personally, depending on the situation. I wouldn't advise divorce as the first answer to a problem. Remember your marriage vows!!! BUT if your life is seriously threatened I would say leave...

Sep 01, 2014
truckers wife NEW
by: angel

Thank you. My husband won't do counseling I've tried sometimes he will come home n he acts good normal man then sometimes he comes home and acts like the world is against him and takes it out on me and everything is always my fault

Sep 01, 2014
Run don't walk NEW
by: Anonymous

Just for the record, I am a female & I drive a truck, have for 10 years, and no, not all truck drivers are like that. What you have is a classic insecure control freak, trust me, I know. I was with my ex boyfriend for 12 years, met him at work, he was a truck driver that came in daily. Long story short, I got laid off, went on the road with him, & wanted to drive the truck so here I am today, driving truck, but I love it. He was wonderful for the 1st 2 years then his drinking got worse & he basically made me feel like I was worthless and couldn't survive without him. Demeaned my children, lied, cheated, stole from me, and basically was just living off me as I busted my ass working 70 hours a week while he sat home & got drunk. The end started nearing about 3 months before I finally told him to get out & don't come back. We got in a huge argument about something very small & stupid, I don't even remember what it was about, he just started yelling at me about something & wouldn't stop. He was drunk of course. Next thing I know he's threatening to kill himself & he goes outside with his shotgun. Afraid what would come next I call 911. I locked the door to the house, he went to come in but couldn't because the door was locked. As he turned to get the keys from his car the cops showed up. They took him away & gave me the gun. He had the gun & his ammo box in his car, when I went to take the ammo box out of his car to put back in the house he had 4 slugs sitting on the passengers seat. Me, my son, my daughter, and him were the only ones home that day. He denies to this day that he was going to hurt us but I believe he had 1 slug out for each person. I think I got very lucky that day. I kicked him out & 3 days later, just like always, I felt sorry for him & let him come back. He swore he would change. 3 months later, the day before mothers day no less, I came home from work and once again he was drunk. Right away started arguing with me about something stupid that my oldest son didn't do, like the dishes or something. Naturally his anger escalated but this time he just got in his car and left to go party with his buddies or a girl or SOMETHING, but I didn't care. He was gone and I didn't have to listen to him. That was the last day he left my house, I said "No more!!!".Here I am a year & a half later & I've never felt so at ease coming home. No more worrying about what's next. Maybe your situation isn't as bad, maybe you just need marriage counseling. But in my opinion, no one has the right to treat another person like a piece of shit unless they are one, like my ex for example, he's a pos. And even then, I don't treat him the way he should be, because that's not who I am. No one deserves to be demeaned or belittled. You deserve better than that. Sorry for the rant, but if I can save one person, be it male or female, from going through the hell I went through, I will. I know that there are a lot of women & men that have gone through a lot more than I have, I was just strong enough to know that I can do it myself & I am a good person even if I'm not perfect. Unfortunately it's not as easy for some people, & if I didn't do what i do it wouldn't be easy for me either. I hope this helps, I don't have all the answers, only you know in your heart & your gut what is the right thing to do. Peace & good luck :-)

Aug 31, 2014
??? NEW
by: Anonymous

you can, and you still have time. get out if you are unhappy and start a life that makes you happy. who wants to live a miserable life really...

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