I feel love but feel alone - (It is only temporary)

by deanne
(Brownsville tx )

My husband have been working for 31/2 years
Come home 4 days out of a month we have 2 girls and 1 on the way but it feel like I'm a single mother because I have to do everything. It is hard, but we do it to have a better future.

It is hard for him too. He feels like he's missing everything watching his daughters grow but we love each other so much we are willing to do any sacrifice to make our lives easier.

One day we will accomplish what we want. I'm grateful to have a man like him. You are a wonderful father and a husband

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Dec 07, 2015
He is missing everything... NEW
by: Anonymous

...of that, there is no question.

Been there, did that.

It's a choice we make as truckers. We may not want it to be so, but it goes with the territory.

When the kids grow up, maybe he will have time to make-up for lost time, but if he's like most, he's already addicted to the grind.

You want to get home and when you get there, the road starts beckoning....

It's not a "job"

It's a life-style... and a lonely one at that.

Drive local. I don't consider "local" trucking to be 'real' trucking, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for certain periods of time to be closer to the family.

When the kids are young is NOT really the ideal time to be OTR ~

Dec 07, 2015
Write out a specific goal and a plan
by: Hervy

I believe you will get what you want one day, if you have written a specific goal.

if you haven't, By what year or in how many years will you be positioned where you want to be?

And what does that mean for you? A certain amount in the bank....certain expenses/bills taken care of...etc.

What steps are you taking to get there? How much each pay period are you putting away for the various plans. Emergencies, kids education, investment, other.

What training in order to increase income, or what plans to increase income if needed to get the monthly amount required to reach goal in time desired? (If relevant)

You are on the right track because you have the right attitude about what is possible. This post is just something to consider if you have not already detailed what your vision is and the steps needed to get there.

Often we have an idea of where we are going, but we never reach it because it is not a clearly defined destination.

Happy journey!

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