I get it...but does he get me?

by Kerry

I am a girlfriend of a trucker. I adore him as much as he adores me, he is my soul mate.

Some days I wonder if i am his first or second love.. he came to Canada to be with me, he is Scottish, however he drives all across America and is home one day out of 90. it is difficult however I understand.

I am incredibly independent, and like things my way, however I would like to get laid more than 5 times out of a year.

I don't think I am being out of line, especially since he wants a baby of his own.. i have 2 from another relationship. We are both over 39.

I get his love of travel and long haul, he is a Gemini... I am a cancer, and i love to be at home. He is my choice in a lover, there is a lot of passion, but how can he understand that I need him to come home at least once a month?

Does anyone have this experience?

We both have the same goal, to work hard to save money so we can start a business.. however the distance sucks.

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Oct 27, 2012
What??? NEW
by: Anonymous

You see a guy 5 times a year and you think you are his girlfriend? Wake up! If he loves you, he should W A N T to be with you more often than that. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Oct 27, 2012
What??? NEW
by: Anonymous

You see a guy 5 times a year and you think you are his girlfriend? Wake up! If he loves you, he should W A N T to be with you more often than that. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Aug 08, 2012
It is. NEW
by: Anonymous

If you wake up and say today is going to suck. Then today is going to suck. But if you wake up and try to be in his shoes then you will realize its not just you that's hurting. I agree with its all in the mindset. Been married to my trucker for 18 years.

Aug 07, 2012
what you Make of it!!!! lol NEW
by: Anonymous


best piece of crap advice I've heard here yet!!


go back to sleep!!

Aug 07, 2012
It's what you make of it. NEW
by: Anonymous

Some days I'm pissed that my fiancé hasn't been home in over a month. Other days; I'm glad he's out there doing what en enjoys. Your last paragraph spoke volumes. You're both working hard to open up your own business. If getting pregnant is a problem and you want it done now, but his home time and your ovulation don't match up I say you freeze his sperm and do artificial insemination. I know it sounds weird but your egg could be dropping and he's stuck in Texas waiting for his truck to be fixed. Like mine is right now lol.

It's your mindset. I know for me today will be a good day. I woke up on my side of the bed after a dream that he was holding me all night long.

I know it's hard but remember the endgame.

Aug 06, 2012
that's silly NEW
by: Anonymous

it's never going to work!

Aug 06, 2012
Nope NEW
by: Anonymous

No my trucker is home weekly, but he has been driving for 22 years, works for the same company and has vacations and makes sure his schedule brings him home for football seasons (Sundays & Mondays) before he goes back out. Has most holidays off and is at home and we take 2 long vacations a year.

But remember I did state 22 years. We live in the U.S.

He was owner operator 8 years and he drove local at the ports, maybe went out of state 3 times a year.

It's hard work and to do the math for owner operator is very tricky better get tax attorney if you want to stay out of trouble though.

I am a bookkeeper, tax preparer, so we stayed safe with only one audit, my tricks of this trade saved his A--! lol

So be prepared and go to school for business or you will regret it!!

Good luck! :)

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