I got a Marijuna citation with cdl license but don't smoke it so its not in my system......

Okay so here's the deal......the other night I was pulled over by the cops I was told that my car smelt like marijuana (I don't smoke because I have a cdl...but the person I just dropped off had a strong odor of it on him)........anyway I was searched in they found a small like bag of marijuana in my car........I was giving a marijuana possession citation ticket from the cop and was told I will be getting a court date in the near future.....now this is where I'm really worried because truck driving is my lively hod I'm 26 years old n been driving for about 1 year.

I don't smoke marijuana in don't have it in my system....... I just need to know if that citation will cost me my license for a year.........PLEASE IF ANYBODY OUT THERE WITH LOTS OF YEARS TRUCKING COULD GIVE ME A LITTLE ADVICE I WOULD REALLY BE GRATEFUL OF IT........thanks

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Jun 26, 2014
Im curious also. NEW
by: Anonymous

I was in the same boat, my cousin is a lawyer and i had paraphernalia and possession charge. I was told it was only a ticket, get you a lawyer. My cousin had my paraphernalia dismissed and my possession, which says drug abuse on my record, "sigh". Is a No Plea, but i had to pay 150$ fine that day. never lost my lisence, never had any probation or anything. Im still curious as to if i can even get into trucking.

Apr 26, 2013
Think ahead..... NEW
by: Jimmy

As you can see, it's easy to get screwed over, even if you're innocent. Moral of the story : Don't hang with buddies that smoke, because you can see what happens. He leaves HIS stuff in YOUR car and you get busted. This will hurt you for your driving career, because it will show up on your record and your company will probably cut you loose. Fight it in court and hope for the best. Jimmy

Apr 25, 2013
im here to tell you brother NEW
by: Anonymous

i had an owi, its been 17 months since ,i cant get a job till its been 2-3 years since and mine was in my car and i drove for 9 years tractor trailor no accidents, i kno a second time will be life ,so im not sure but if you get charged look for a company that dont do background checks ,or deal with it, you may have really messed up, a drug charge could be worse ,sorry to you ,

Apr 24, 2013
but don't smoke it so its not in my system. NEW
by: Anonymous

get a drug test immediatly. even if you have to pay for it yourself.

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