i had a dui 5yrs ago what are my chances of getting a job

had a DUI in 06 completed everything in 07 dl reinstated 11/07

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Oct 27, 2011
Dui problems
by: NickV

DUI's are a iffy kinda subject especially now in the trucking industry. Alot of companies are letting their guards down on the subject while others are ramping it up. Some companies say 5 years, some say 7, some say 10, some say 1 in a lifetime and some just say None.

I had to wait to get into trucking school til the year, not date, year rolled over of 5 year "anniversary" if that makes any sense. In better explanation I think I got one in july of 03, they wouldn't let me into school til jan 09.

Although July was 5 years the actual year had to turn. Something to do with insurance companies. I don't know if you are looking to get into trucking or have your CDL already but I would call around to companies and just ask.

You definitely don't want to pay all the money to go into trucking and then not be able to find a job. What would be even smarter is to get with a company that puts you through school on contract and that way you are guaranteed a job.

Which ever way you decide just do your homework and don't jump into anything just cause one person tells you its a great idea.

The trucking industry has exploded so these recruiters are out for blood and will pretty much tell you anything. Good Luck and keep us informed.

Maybe you can come back and give some feedback on the companies you spoke with and help some others in your exact situation

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