I had an accident in ok but did not receive a ticket will that go on my driving record

I had an accident in Oklahoma but I was not given a ticket. I was the only vehicle involved in the accident. Will it go on my driving record?

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Mar 18, 2012
RE: DAC report NEW
by: Beth Autry

I do not know alot about this DAC report but my boyfriend has been in 2 accidents and was fired from his job. It was the insurance company that made them fire him he was doing a good job. What I want to know is how long will it be before he can get another driving job.

Mar 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

I am dealing with the same thing, I had been there for 7 years, they were already upset because i did my pretrip and ask that illegal and unsafe things be maintained on the truck, they never wanted to fix anything, then on Feb 23 I had a accident, took my drug test and of course I knew it would be clean, and worked the next day and then after working 5 hours they called me in and fired me, they are now reporting poor job performance, if they is true the other drivers should have lost their jobs, turning trucks over,one driver hit me in the rear end and he only got 3 days off he did alot of damage to his truck and mine, but if your wife works for the president of the company I guess that is ok, also another driver turned his truck completely over and it was a new truck the first day, I just dont feel this should fall in poor job performance, if you drive their trucks and not write up anything on your pretrip you are ok. MY review in 2011 I got a raise, and was told I did a good job. now all of sudden it is poor job performance?

Feb 28, 2012
accident NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes it can if it was report able to your company . It will go against your driving record at the company you drive for. And if they let you go. They will put it on your DAC report.

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