i had my class c licence suspended for failure to appear & failure to pay a fine, my question is, if i have my mvr expunged, will that suspention still show up when the trucking company check my mvr?

by hopeful trucker
(N C)

I have been driving since 1989, I had a speeding ticket in 1990, since then, no moving violations, no dwi's, no dui's, no wreckless driving no accidents, nothing, never had any points on license or insurance.

the original reason for the suspension, I went through a license check & the registration & inspection sticker was out of date, I was out of work at the time & couldn't afford the cost of court, inspection (etc). It was suspended for 4yrs, but have had my class c back 5mths.

I was told by a good friend of mine who happen to be a otr driver, that I should have my mvr expunged b4 I apply for a trucking company, can anyone pls give me some advice on how that works.

After I get my mvr expunged, will the trucking companies be able to pull up any history of my suspension? I don't want2 get caught looking like I'm trying2 hide my mvr if companies would look over non chargeable offenses.

Comments for i had my class c licence suspended for failure to appear & failure to pay a fine, my question is, if i have my mvr expunged, will that suspention still show up when the trucking company check my mvr?

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Dec 05, 2011
expunging records in NC NEW
by: Hervy

hey hopeful, good luck man.

Try this number for answers and then the clerk of court where you reside for further info if that doesn't work.

Management Information Systems
2020 Yonkers Road
4223 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699
Phone: (919) 716-3700

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