I had two accidents while working for the same company in one year.

by Rich
(La california)

I have been trucking for two years and my first accident was at a customers terminal,it happened while i was backing up to the dock and ended up backing up to a small pick up that was the terminal managers car.

It made a basketball size dent on his right fender. I was not given a notice that my company would doc me for my next check of $1200 for the deductible. They say the damage was over $3000.

Second accident also was at a terminal and i must have not engaged brakes properly . Truck rolled while i was separating my doubles. I was not in truck to stop the truck and it rolled into an empty trailer. No damage to trailer only to my company truck.

Total damage they said was $11,000 and was fired without final paycheck of $600 . I was told that for insurance reasons they had to let me go.

Is this the final end to my trucking career?

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Oct 19, 2012
You can still get work but have to be proactive! NEW
by: Bill

I'm assuming you didn't get any tickets for the mishaps. But maybe your company reported these incidents on your DAC. I,myself, had a couple of negative comments on my DAC. The company that I worked for did this I believe to stop drivers from leaving the company i.e that is a bad DAC report could hurt one getting another driving job.
I was very concerned about my DAC but one thing I did right was to always be asking where other opportunities were and to keep my driving record clean. No tickets with my truck or personal vehicle. I found driving jobs and my DAC did not hurt me. Again always keep your eyes wide open for opportunities - it worked for me.
Best of Luck

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