I have 6 points on my license

by Carlos

I have 6 points on my license. One each year.
2013 (40 in a 25)
2014(115 in a 60), and
2015(40 in a 25). I'm enrolling in CDL School, and need a pre-hirer before starting the course. I have 15 soild years in CNC machine operating work history, and a clean background. Do you know or can you find out about any companies that would give a student driver a pre-hirer. I'm open to whatever company to get in the door. Owner operator as well and I know with a record like this being picky is not an option...


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Feb 09, 2017
by: Hervy


Apr 02, 2016
I found a company that took me with points!!!
by: Anonymous

I found a company that took me with the point situation... (thankfully)... a big company that run all 48...

Mar 20, 2016
Insurance Company will see it as liability ....
by: Anonymous

Will run the opposite direction from you.

With that many points all they see is "Liability" and they CANNOT hire you even if they wanted to.

You are a "Payout" waiting to happen in their eyes.

There are some companies that allow NO POINTS on ANY moving violation (auto or not)

That is way too many points even as a four wheeler. I'm surprised the DMV has not set up a hearing for you to see if you are even eligible to drive ANYTHING.

I sure would have fought each one and gone to school as much as possible to protect my DMVR

Good luck man. Get those points removed, expunged, whatever it takes!

Mar 19, 2016
Honest opinion
by: Hervy

Carlos I hate to deliver bad news man but I doubt a company is going to hire you with that driving record. with either 1 of those tickets a company would want them to be over 5 years old because they all are excessive.

Honestly, I can't see a company hiring you to drive a truck right now even though the truck is governed, that is not the point. They are going to wonder why you would continuously drive that much over the speed limit.

In other words, they will be wondering what other poor choices might you make with the truck.

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