I have a cdl but have not driven for two years, how do i get a job

by k j egerton
(kc mo)

I need a trucking job but i can not get hired. I have my cdl but have not driven in almost two years.

Do i need to go back to school? Or how can i get hired. I drove for almost 6 years with only two non moving violations. HELP

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Oct 27, 2011
heard self insured companies hire drivers that havnt been on the road in a while..
by: Brenda Jennings

simple..post.....need a job...have driven before..been off the road for 4 years...im advertising..on this web site..good driver. clean easy to get along with..hard runner..dont mind running the north east...my name is brenda jennings.. if and when someone reads this please contact me if interested..864-429-0892..i live in south carolina...any self insured company.contact me...you wont be dissappointed..i would really be an positive assect to your company.. thanx too all who read and respond...:)))

Oct 05, 2011
Two years recent trucking experience
by: Mudflap

verifiable experience is required in order to be hired as a commercial driver, the only people that are likely to touch you are those who are running crooked or are willing to take a chance on you & are self insured, be careful who you tie up with

Sep 28, 2011
Refresher courses might help you get a trucking job
by: NickV

Yeah it took me awhile to get a job out of truck driving school. CRST hired me on with the exception that I took a refresher. They paid for half of it which was 200 if I remember correctly. Gotta do whatcha gotta do ya know.

But definitely look around. Some trucking schools if you try and do it yourself will charge you a ridiculous amount of money like 20 an hour and you will need a minimum of 40 like before mentioned.

Just fill out apps and maybe a company you get hired on will help you with the fees. Good Luck

Sep 28, 2011
new job
by: American Trucker

You need to take a re-fresher course at a cdl school usually a 40hr program then your back in game.

Sep 28, 2011
Getting hired with no recent trucking experience
by: Hervy

Jay, you probably would have an easier time getting a trucking job if you went and took a refresher course.

After that, tips on how to get trucking job with no experience

(lol, thanks to Nick and American trucker for commenting after I had butchered my comment before editing it! I was sleep typing!)

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