i have a dui and controlled substance that are 10 years old does that effect me getting a cdl?

by justin
(moultrie ga)

i was convicted of statutory rape when i was 18. the girl was 15. thats been 10 years ago. i am a sexoffender. and i had a dui and controlled substance. which are both 10 years old. ive paid all fines. can i get a cdl?

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Apr 28, 2011
Almost sure you can get a CDL with DUI and Controlled Substance and Sex Charge
by: Hervy

I am pretty sure you can get your CDL. The question is can you get a job though. I would call around to trucking companies and see what type of feedback they give you about whether they would hire you with that past. See what they tell you.

I am thinking that if they are not all felonies you could get a break. It would be all that easy unless you were lucky but I don't think it would be impossible.

Like I said, the best thing you can do is to call trucking companies and ask what their policies for hiring is or tell them your record and ask them straight up are they allowed to hire you per their policies and then WOULD they consider hiring a person with your record. (which of course they may not necessarily be frank about but you will just have to discern for yourself if they are genuine with their response.

Good luck, let us know how it turned out.


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