I have a felony dui with vehicular assault from back in 1997 and just want to be a truck driver

by Jeff Clark
(Austin Texas )

November of 2011 I will officially have been off paper for 7 years. Swift said that after that time has passed they could take me on but wont take me till 7 years of being off papers. Then I hear that swift isn't the greatest company to work for.

Can anyone give me advice on what company is a good one to work for just starting out? With my background am I just setting myself up for a failure by choosing this industry? My vehicular assault was in my own personal vehicle and I have never had a cdl.

I am 32 years of age now and married and just want to make an honest living for me and my wife. I want to go to my community college for truck driving school but they say I need to find out if I can be hired before going to school.

Thanks for any advice anyone can give me.

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Aug 26, 2010
thanks for the advice
by: Anonymous

Thank you Nick V I will add any info that I can for now Im just working my dishwashing job 8.50 an hour but it's getting me by till I can become a trucker.

Aug 26, 2010
Take what you can get
by: NickV

If Swift says they will take you then thats what you gotta do. Also may want to check CRST. They seem to not really mind about some things. I had the same problem starting off, we were all young and dumb at one point in time. Only problem is when you decide to go down the career of someone trusting you with a 80,000 pound vehicle that past comes back to bite ya. You got the right idea with the community college, definetly the cheapest route you can absolutly take. May even be able to find government funding to pay for it. But like American Trucker said, make sure you check first. Government may pay for it but whats the point in using the time if you cant use the license. Make sure you cross your t's and dot your i's and if someone tells you something, print it out or have them send it to you in the mail that way you have documentation. Also as far as Swift goes, we all gotta start somewhere. Just make sure that when you get a job you stick it out cause with your record and then they see you jumpin jobs your really gonna screw yourself. Hope the best for you and keep us updated on what happens. Im sure your info that you find out will be of great interest to others who may be in the same situation you are.

Aug 23, 2010
thank you
by: Anonymous

thanks for your help. I will try that

Aug 22, 2010
by: American Trucker

Your best bet is to wait till 2011 its not the companies its the insurance co. that say no a lot of the time. You can check with DOT Dept of Transportation. And get a background check done. then hit all the companies you can find and plead your case.

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