i have a misdameanor marijuana delvry charge will this legally disqulafy me frome geting my cdl

i sold mitermenir bag of bud to frind got busted is this going to make a diffrince

Comments for i have a misdameanor marijuana delvry charge will this legally disqulafy me frome geting my cdl

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Jul 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

Yes it will affect you most companies will not hire you unless it is ten years old or older. Stay away from drugs and drinking if you want to be a truck driver. Or otherwise do us all a favor and do not drive a truck. Because do not need people on the road that want to be involed in drugs.

Jul 17, 2011
Time period
by: NickV

If this is a fresh charge then the odds are stacked. Usually want 7 year stretch on cases involving drugs or alcohol. Best bet is to atleast apply, divulge the info on your app and see what happens. Trucking schools will run a background on you before they even except you if that is the route your going and if you tell them the truth and its fresh you won't even get that far and they will say to stay out of trouble and come back when its older. There are hundreds of thousands of trucking companies and every one of them have different rules they go by. Also there are multiple background checks that companies pay for and some will show things on your record that others won't. Sounds stupid but it happened to me. Passed the trucking school background but couldn't pass any others. CRST scooped me up finally so you may want to start there if your serious. I heard some pretty crazy records get through that outfit. Goodluck to you and please if trucking is the way your gonna go, leave the drugs behind. Can't do both and that's a promise

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