I have a speeding ticket, a seat belt offense, and one surcharge incident in 2009. Can I still get hired to drive a truck long haul?

by Ann
(Western Massachusetts, USA)

If you looked at my whole driving record, my last speeding ticket was thirty years ago, my last surcharge incident was 22 years ago, and I've never received a seat belt offense before.

I am finishing driving school on July 22nd 2011 and what a shock I received when I printed up my driving record. I am thoroughly annoyed that my worst year, ever, will show up to potential employers.

My speeding ticket was when I was going 43 mph, on a sharp, curved downhill with a cop sitting on the other side. He gave me the ticket and told me to contest it. This spot is a notorious speed trap. I contested it and lost.

The surcharge incident was when I tapped a pick up truck bumper as I backed out of a grocery store parking lot. I had not a scratch on my car but dinged the pick up's fender.

I am a 48 year old woman, who is a careful driver!

Can I still get hired??

Thanks a bunch for responses.

Comments for I have a speeding ticket, a seat belt offense, and one surcharge incident in 2009. Can I still get hired to drive a truck long haul?

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Jul 12, 2011
Yes! Just get your experience under your belt (Tires)
by: Anonymous

When were your tickets exactly? Dates and titles of citations?

Jun 30, 2011
speeding tickets
by: Anonymous

Hire you a lawyer and ask for a motion for approiate release for the ticket and it will disappear and if you did not get a ticket for the bump up do not mention it. because it will not show up on your record

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