I have a suspended l;icense due to one unpaid moving violation that I was unable to show up to court to because I was over the road, will any company hire me and help me pay off my fee?

I got a moving violation in Februaury, and was unable to make it to court so I got a "failure to appear" and now my license is suspended until i pay the fines. I have no DUI's or criminal history. I live in California and the cost of paying the ticket is over $1000.00 now. The DMV says I can get my license back once I pay my ticket. Is there any company that will hire me and help me do that?

Comments for I have a suspended l;icense due to one unpaid moving violation that I was unable to show up to court to because I was over the road, will any company hire me and help me pay off my fee?

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Jul 31, 2013
Your dad NEW
by: Anonymous

Shut up bit ch nobody wants to hear some bull sh it and your f ucked up judgmental personality. you aint god

Jul 31, 2013
ummm NEW
by: Anonymous

you have failed yourself and failed to find another way to handle a ticket while over the road. From the first day the ticket was written you could of asked the officer or called the court to ask them how to handle this (while on the road. Courts now have a computer system to handle tickets via mail or online. Writing letters to handle your ticket is a very common way truckers handle the tickets out of state and this is nothing new. An attorney could of represented you and you would not have had to be there physically. Most only charge $1500.00 In the court system there is no ignorance of the law.

Your CDL is your highest priority and it would of been more suitable to stop and think of how to handle this ticket situation vs. keep on driving and not having a CDL as a result. Your question is a bit outrageous you cannot drive now that your "license is suspended" so what trucking agency is going to hire you without a license? And then pay off a ticket you didn't show up in court for (there are NO excuses for not showing up to a court date)in the courts eyes. I am sorry to be so frank with you, but this ticket is your responsibility, so it sounds like you are asking someone else to clean this all up for you???? WOW!!

Excuse me but this sounds a bit dense minded to me. You let this ticket go so far as to have your license suspended....forget about trucking for a while because this is going to be on your driving record for a long time to come, 10 years!! Procrastination is a life killer....sorry.

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