I have been driving for 10 years and my truck rolled going on to a on ramp and was going 10miles below the posted speed limit and i was not charged or cited and had witness and got hurt

I have 10 years of driving experience over the road. On march 25 i pick up a load from our yard in mo.

I was getting on the on ramp going north and was traveling 10 miles below the posted speed limit when my load shifted on me and rolled me on my drivers side and i was not cited or charged and had witness and they told the state police the same thing.

Will any company out there hire me now that it wasn't my fault and i wasn't charged in accident.

Comments for I have been driving for 10 years and my truck rolled going on to a on ramp and was going 10miles below the posted speed limit and i was not charged or cited and had witness and got hurt

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Apr 01, 2012
Good question..
by: Anonymous

Well, nothing went into driving record I believe, so the insurance companies are not aware of this, yeah you can find a job , just don't mention this company as your employer, find a company that just went out of business and put that in your application.

It is not moral but you won't be hurting ( anyone, you have bills to pay a family to feed you cannot lock the load sideways, and in the future don't ever mention this to anyone, good luck:)

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