I have had a PERFECT record for ever. Recently got a careless driving with points drop. Why will NO ONE hire me?

by Donnie Girard
(Leesburg Florida)

I drive school bus. I was making a left turn. A pickup clipped my tail end as I seen it happen in the mirror. Cops blamed me of course. Charged me w/careless driving when I was barley moving.

I have had a PERFECT RECORD all of my life until this. I want to go back to OTR driving, but can't find anyone who will hire me.

Of course I only have 1 year OTR exp. but am willing to go through training again. I get told that companies insurance will not accept me. WHY? this is really frustrating especially when I KNOW I was not at fault. All points were droped after I paid $116.00 of course.

Any advice is appreciated/ Thank you.

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Aug 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

Well hire a lawyer and get the lawyer to ask for a motion for approiate release and get it reduced to a non moving violation. And always hire a lawyer when you get a ticket. Sounds like to me there is more to the story. Or there sounds like there is more to the story because thatis a very serious moving violation.

Aug 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

You should hire a lawyer and get a motion for approiate release and get the ticket droped to a non moving violation.

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