I have Sleep Apnea and need to plug in CPAP machine every night

by Neal
(New Jersey)

Been reading this site and been learning a lot.
I'm very close to deciding if I should pursue a CDL.
But I have Sleep Apnea and need to use a CPAP machine.

It just needs to plug in regular 110 AC outlet.
That means I need power, which means I need to idle or use some alternate source. Are there drivers who deal with this ?

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Oct 28, 2013
sleep apnea and idling truck
by: Anonymous

states that do not allow you to idle your, the law doesn't apply if you have to use a sleep device, have a child or animal in the truck!

the only alternative is if you have a tripak generator on the truck then no you can't idle the truck because this operates and charges the batteries.

Jan 22, 2011
sleep apnea
by: Anonymous

I drive for Crete Carrier. They hire safe, professional drivers, apnea or not. I have it, & use a "pure sine" inverter, 150 watt. Plugs into circuit that they ran for me dedicated to only that. You have to get DOT physical every yet.

Jan 09, 2011
Tips for buying an inverter
by: NickV

There are plugs in the bunk where you can plug a inverter into like a cigarette lighter. That runs off your batteries and is usable with the truck running or not.

I have a couple inverters but you can buy them at any price range. Best advice, go to your local walmart or maybe even a home depot to buy your inverter. Truck stops are expensive.

Some just plug into the cigarette lighter and have one plug on it. Ive ran my laptop off of this so it should handle that machine. Pay attention to what your buying also cause some inverters only come with wires to run to your battery.

Usually the more watts you get your gonna have to wire straight to the battery cause you will blow your fuses. Think about when buying one for the future.

You're gonna want a pretty large one to run tv's and dvd players and such. I had a 500 and ran a tv and my xbox off it for quite sometime but it started over heating so I bought the cobra 800 and havent had a problem since.

Now as far as you being able to drive or not. You are going to have to get a note from your doctor saying you are capable of driving. Dont leave your house without this note or your just gonna be wasting your time.

That being said...maybe your employer doesnt need to know about it at all. Just sayin, they will ask you the questions and maybe just a little white lie never hurt nobody.

Take your machine and hook it up at night and no one will know the difference. Only thing about that is if you go with a company where you have to go with a trainer you may be busted. Hope this helped a little.

I know I sometimes have a problem rambling and not even answering the question but if you have any other questions shoot

Jan 09, 2011
Good Luck
by: Sherry6722

We have a convertor that allows us to plug in a microwave that runs off the battery so I can't see you having any problem plugging your machine. I do know that some trucking companies frown on hirering a driver with sleep apnea so just check companies before you pursue a trucking career. Good Luck to you!

Jan 09, 2011
Sleep Apnea
by: Anonymous

My husband has this and he does have a generator now , but there are some states that you can not idle your truck, CA is one.

Just know where you are going, because the machine is really important for you to rest.

If you knew that you were going to areas where you cannot run the truck, then you may need to rethinking trucking as a career

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