I have two class a misdemeanor battery charges on my record, what company should I contact for either payment of schooling, or company trained schooling.

by Don
(Connersville, In)

I am currently not a trucker and I don't hold my cdl's but I want to get them. I have tried several companies, even the ones that I heard really suck.

Yet, almost all of them tell me that with two three year old battery charges on my record that I don't qualify. I regret making the stupid decisions that led to me getting charges with battery. Yet, I can't go back and change that now.

I want to get me CDL and drive... call it a God thing. I've talked to CR England, swift, prime, us xpress, USA trucking, and Pam.

Also, i have only held my license for 23 months and I had a speeding ticket of 15 over in February on 2011. Its never been suspended. I just didn't get them until I was almost 25 because of bad luck situations.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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May 15, 2012
Issues from the past
by: Hervy

Don, first and foremost, if the people you talk to don't think that you believe all of this was a mistake and you have matured to another way of living, they will likely not give you a chance.

I know you said here it was a mistake but it is important that you communicate that to the people you talk to in human resources or recruiting.

Also, you might have to try smaller and medium sized trucking companies. Check out this page.
small - medium - local trucking companies

Also, see if the trucking companies mentioned on this page will respond better

getting a trucking job as a felong

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