i just got my first felony 2 months ago for have a bat in my car an they charge me with possection of a deadly weapon will they still hire me

I just got my first felony for having a bat in a car i was in an they charged me with possession of a deadly weapon

Comments for i just got my first felony 2 months ago for have a bat in my car an they charge me with possection of a deadly weapon will they still hire me

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Jun 24, 2012
Have the charge expunged
by: Anonymous

I am not sure what happen and why you would be charged for a bat being in your car? 1000's of people carry bats and don't get arrested? Every little league coach would be in jail??

soooo... this leads me to believe something else happened to cause the police to arrest you?? But who am I to judge you? Plus they already did hellooo....

My recommendation would be to have it expunged from your record and this can be done at the court you were convicted in after your sentence is completed and all the stipulation in your probation, like anger management, restitution, letters to the victims, etc.....

when you have completed the term of your probation, normally 3 - 5 years, you can petition the court and ask them to expunge your record for reasons of employment, then you will be able to check the box on an employment application "NO" when it asks if you have been convicted of a felony.

However, this criminal conviction will not come off your criminal record ever.... unless you ask the government for a pardon and will remain on the your D.O.J files forever.

Good Luck!!

Jun 24, 2012
i would hire you
by: Anonymous

If I owned a company, I would surely hire you, because in my eyes, you broke no law...There is not a law against a baseball bat being located in your vehicle, unless you tried to use it on someone...

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