I just left a woman who didnt get it

by James Bergeron

I'm 28 years at. The beginning of the year I relocated myself and settled.down.with.a woman.and her kid. Her father soon joined us as.well. all the money I was making was.going.to rent bills and all that jazz.

She is prego with possibly my baby but I can.not stay with her for I was miserable. Being on.the road 5 days did.suck but what sucked even worse was having to call 5 times and no answer. No text and no regard.

I felt abandoned and instead of trying to comfort me she just sat there. Said I was selfish when I was living like a hobo so they could have a roof over their heads and food on the table.

I called it quits. I would rather be solo and happy then be used and have no regard. From the people I rely on for emotional support

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May 28, 2014
by: Anonymous

Nope I will not rephrase what I posted, I will stick to it.

The End

May 28, 2014
Hey jerk.... NEW
by: Anonymous

Go back and rephrase your text. "Not many good women left out there". What 'pathetic' rock did you crawl out from under? First of all, it takes 2 to tango. This guy had choices. He made the wrong ones for himself. We all do at times. DNA testing is smart and he should proceed. But don't knock all or most women. Truck drivers having relationships is risky if you aren't home to tend to business. He should know this by now. TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF YOU 'PATHETIC' JERK....

May 28, 2014
Hey jerk.... NEW
by: Anonymous

Go back and rephrase your text. "Not many good women left out there". What 'pathetic' rock did you crawl out from under? First of all, it takes 2 to tango. This guy had choices. He made the wrong ones for himself. We all do at times. DNA testing is smart and he should proceed. But don't knock all or most women. Truck drivers having relationships is risky if you aren't home to tend to business. He should know this by now. TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF YOU 'PATHETIC' JERK....

May 27, 2014
by: Anonymous

sorry for this stroke of bad luck...make sure she doesnt stick u with child support get DNA testing so u can move on....make sure to get tested for other things too...just in case she gave you something...she sounds pathetic so u dont need her anyway. u are still young and there are still good women out there, not many, but one good one for you...good luck.

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