i just messed up

by andy entrikin
(leetonia ohio)

Nearly 5 years ago I got A obstruction of official business a fifth degree felony.

I was still a kid and never really got in trouble, have been clean since. I think this is the right career for me but I cant even get into trucking school without an intent to hire letter due to my felony.

Hoping someone can help.

thank you

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Mar 20, 2018
Did you make it into the trucking industry?
by: Hervy

Just curious Andy. Going over some posts. Did you find a trucking job. That 5 year old charge shouldn't have stopped you.

If its not theft, trafficking or violent and its the only charge, I don't think you would have a problem finding a trucking job somewhere if you keep looking.

However, what you've been doing in the mean time could help you get hired.

Jan 05, 2013
I see NEW
by: Anonymous

Then it seems you were an adult and you will have to go to the court of conviction to have this record sealed. It really is not that difficult to do and does not require an attorney. You are right about getting hired on with your felony conviction as of now. Most of the time when it is very old they will overlook it....dont give up I have seen many felons drive again...keep researching your options. Good luck!

Jan 04, 2013
24 NEW
by: Anonymous

I was 24 but I have grown since

I have went to the school ant they sent me some bigger company apps but told me to look for mom an pop places there really are not any around anymore all small outfits are asking 2yrs exp I have looked all over fare as Cleveland to pit pa maybe im over looking I don’t no

Jan 03, 2013
How old were you? NEW
by: Anonymous

If you were a kid how old were you? If you were under 18 it should not show as any felony conviction as these juvenile records are only accessible to courts if you commit a felony when you become an adult, and do not show for employment. However, this may differ from state to state. If you were age 18 and over you are not considered a kid it is an adult crime then.
If this is the case you can have this record sealed for employment purposes through the court of conviction. Hope this helps.

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