I just want to thank Hervy and everyone else on here who knows me

by Rusty Martin Jr
(Sugar Grove Pa)

After 7 painstaking months of having no luck finding a trucking job after getting my CDL...I have finally been hired by Werner Enterprises.

My orientation begins June 21st, in Allentown Pa. That's 2 days of paid orientation. Then I go over the road for 300 hours of road training. Then I'm on my own.

Benefits to the training...they gave me two options. Either I can do an est 150 hours, or approx half my training, the go back home and get a week paid off, then come back and finish. Or I can do all 300 hours with no hometime, get my truck with a load going home, get a weeks paid off, plus a $500 bonus.

I can't believe the opportunities awaiting me at Werner. Plus Werner is the only trucking company that has DOT regulated paperless logs. Hells yea. So anyway, I want to thank Hervy and everyone else who has seen my posts on here and kept a vote of confidence in me this whole time.

If it wasn't for you guys, I'm not sure I would have still been looking into trucking.

So thanks again and I look forward to meeting some of you on my new chapter in my life. As a truck driver.

Take care, be safe and God Bless!

-Rusty Martin Jr-

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Jan 24, 2023
Congratulations Rusty! Update: Hows everything going now?
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hi Rusty,

I am happy every thing worked out and you got on the road with Werner!

I know it's been a few years now. How's everything going?

Still at Werner or you pushing that big ole large car now!

Jun 19, 2010
Worked for Werner
by: MD Altman

Congrats!!! Just some advise about Werner. Work for them for a yr get the experience then get out. Do paper logs along with the Quallcom most company do paper logs you need that experience. Yes you will do the 300 hrs but do the whole 300hrs with one trainer. I was a trainer for Werner I worked for them for just about yr. But I found another company that offered me more miles and more per miles. So I took it and left Werner. I am going to very up front and honest with you wish someone was when I started. Werner will paint a nice pic but more then likely you wil do more then 300 hrs most trainees do 450 hrs. You have to remember you making money for your trainer you will be doing all the driving and the work. I left my trainer right at 300 hrs only because I had a team mate waiting for me. I was done making my trainer money. Just take it slow listen and as the other driver said respect other drivers. I do miss working for them or I should say I miss my Tractor I had 2009 Freightliner loved that tactor. But I moved on to a better company but Werner did give me my experience.
Congrats again and be safe out there always look and be aware of what is around you.

Jun 18, 2010
by: NickV

Hey Rusty congrats man! Great news to hear. Like the other guy said just take your time, respect other drivers and after you start getting the hang of it and comfortable with your truck the best advice I can give and maybe others will disagree but you need to be aggresive but safe at the same time. First thing comes first is being safe at all times but you also cant let these 4 wheelers push you around. It wont be easy at first cause your just getting to learn everything about the road but after you are out awhile things that you thought were so complicated just become second nature. Kinda like riding a bike. Your gonna love it. Keep us updated about your experiences and stay safe out there. Hope to see you out on the road someday

Jun 14, 2010
Rusty wins.
by: Jimmy

Congrats Rusty, I do remember you and your dilema. But you won out with persistance, right? JImmy

Jun 14, 2010
new driver
by: Anonymous

just a word of advice run legal take your time on the highway do not speed never get in a hurry just stay steady at it

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