I Love My Job As a Woman Truck Driver

by Denise
(S. Dakota)

I have been driving Truck for over 5 yrs now. In the beginning it was hard, but as time went by things got easier.

I learned more on my own then I learned in Truck Driving School, and I will have to say it was the help of other Male drivers who helped, they were kind and courtesy.

I do feel though being a woman behind the wheel, I do get more benefits, I sometime feel the men don't think we know how what were doing Like how to check oil and the here come's one over to help, even though I tell them I can do it, they help anyway's.

Some are there to help open your trailer doors some will help with Lumping a load for you. I guess it makes them feel better and just to have a conversation with a lady maybe it helps there day be a bit brighter?

The guys on the CB oh yes they can get on your nerves. I am sometimes afraid to ask questions because then you have to hear all the sex chatter about a woman trucker some can be down out nasty.

I Love being a Woman in Trucking, I enjoy my Job to the fullest, and I feel I do it good, and I always get the load there.

Most of my friends are Truckers now, we call each other late at night, if we know each other will be up driving just to keep one another awake, driving down that lonely road. Listening to the Trucker Station on the satellite Radio, is just another way of getting where I'm going.

I am Proud to be a Woman and Drive a Truck. I encourage women to get out there and Drive a Truck it is Great Satisfaction and a Job You would love.

I already Know Diesel is in my Blood I couldn't image doing anything else now.

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Oct 14, 2009
Please ;) Feel free to join truckers wives at facebook
by: Jennifer S

I have just started an extension of LAAT on facebook- Its a support group of type for us Drivers wives, I would be very honored if you would join our little group.

Here is the address:

You too Jim ;) Hervy Promises he will join- but I told him I would not write it on my calendar lol.


Oct 14, 2009
Thanks Jen & Jim
by: Denise

I want to "Thank You" both for your commits you two sure made my day. Jen I was 44 when I started driving truck, but I only had 1 child at home then, after she graduated from High School my Husband and I both went to Truck Driving School. He Now drives his own truck and I drive my own we work for a Owner Operator, we did teaming at first, and I didn't like the teaming we got along great in all.. I think it was just being stuck in the truck 24/7.. I love going solo you have more freedom and time to sleep. I will always be a lady out there if your not that's when you get treated bad from the male drivers, And Yes Jim I get asked out to dinner and Coffee way to often, I usually Thank them and Decline there offer, its easier that way if you know what I mean. So Keep both hands on the wheel and them steers between the Lines and be safe...Hugs...

Oct 14, 2009
Denise gives encouragement for lady truckers
by: Jimmy

Welcome Denise, I think some women will decide to try trucking after reading your post. A good 'ol red blooded all American boy will always want to have a little female company, even if just an innocent conversation.

Ever notice the friendly waitresses can't get rid of the drivers at the counter? And get good tips too. So, as you have noticed, guys will volunteer to help you slide your tandems/check your oil etc. just for a little conversation. I'm sure you've been offered a free cup of coffee many times.

Stay safe out there. One word of advice, Do not ever get in a shouting match with some lamebrain guy over the C/B. Just ignore them and be a lady. Jimmy

Oct 14, 2009
Thank you!
by: Jennifer S

I just wanted to say thank you! This coming from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate what you do.

Its great to hear from women. I have been in the truck with my husband as the men start sexually harassing a female driver. But I have also heard those female drivers talk as if they were common trash, and get angry when the men treat them as such.

Its wonderful to hear from a woman who still acts like a lady, despite the stereotypes revolving around the profession!

I have thought about doing this myself, but the older I get, the less likely it seems. I am 40 now, and still have at least 7 years left at home with my children.

However; I do so love the passenger seat!


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