I love my trucker boyfriend but the truck is gone.

So Ive been dating my trucker boyfriend for over a year. We love each other and things were great in the beginning, as they always are *honeymoon stage*.

Recently, he came home for 3 days. When he left he didn't log out of his Facebook account on my computer.

I don't snoop but when I went to my Facebook to log in i saw that his was still logged on. When I click to log off a message popped up that said " When will you be back this way I miss you daddy" I was fuming mad.

I didn't call him out on it yet. Its been a week and I am dying to say something.

He doesn't call like he used to. Before he would call all day everyday because hell all you are doing is riding down the road. You have a headset.

He stopped calling like he used to. Now there is always an excuse. "My phone looses signal" "I'm unloading my truck" its always something. Thing is, you didn't have those problems in the beginning.

I'm in love. But I'm no dummy either. I know he's cheating. Yet telling me he loves me and wants to get married. Should I call him out on what I saw or should I just not say anything and move on and let him wonder why such an amazing woman left without reason.

When you do bad bad follows. I'm truly heartbroken. No telling what else he is doing on that road.

I am second guessing dating an OTR trucker.

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Feb 07, 2013
it will continue
by: Anonymous

If he does not get help for this bad behavior, he will continue on as he has, and will never change no matter what. Sometimes people think that they are doing nothing wrong, and until they address the problem it will continue to happen. Get out while you can this is very disruptive behavior to your family unit....

Feb 07, 2013
i hear ya
by: Anonymous

my bf just recently became a trucker but in the 3 yrs we have been 2gether i also stumbled on his yahoomail being open and he was on date sites made another facebook the whole 9. his reason was bc we were fighting and he needed some1 to talk 2.

I told him that's what friends and family r for. he told women he would stop in when he was in their town so now that its the real thing and he is driving truck I wonder if he is gonna meet up w these women or if me telling him if i find out anything at all we r thru and he wont like it the 2nd time around. he swears up and down that he isn't going 2 do it anymore but its happened multiple times in the past.

I also found out b4 he left last yr bc he couldn't handle being a dad of his son and my 2 girls that his friend slipped up and told me he slept w his ex gf when we 1st got 2gether and he said there was nothing wrong w that bc we weren't 2gether 2gether and we weren't sleeping 2gether and he needed sex. so like i said im wondering if hes gonna b gone weeks on end is he gonna b faithful or cheat.. also when they r otr u dont know what or who there r w or doing etc..

i guess im a sucker but he will b sorry if he does cheat.. keep ur head high and do what u think is right in ur heart..

Jan 26, 2013
to your last comment/response
by: Anonymous

so what I hear you exaggerating and fabricating as if you were there when it happened...so you seem to have all the answers as if you know that this is exactly what he is doing...sounds as though this may have happened to you....

however, just because it has happen to you in that manner does not mean it happens to everyone like that...if you think revenge is sweet you must be living in a whole lot of pain and are probably willing to take someone else down with you....how sweet is that?? that's plain selfish!!!

So maybe you should stop assuming things so much... as I am sure you are familiar with the old adage that goes along with assuming and repeating nonfactual comments as you may see them and may not be what the truth is at all.

It would really benefit you to stop hanging around a crowd you so well described, because it is very unhealthy mentally, only sick people resort to such behavior that you describe. I have never seen any of what you have describe and it is probably because I could not help myself from throwing up at the thought of the things you so well described. Shameful.....

simply put you are a very twisted individual and are in need of some counseling whewww....

Jan 26, 2013
To last response
by: Anonymous

Revenge can be sweet. Not to mention often an unexpected and shocking response to bad behavior can be a great teacher,notice I said to check that brothers or friends are single . It's amazing how many men are willing to screw over their friends for a romp.

He expects her to cry and be broken hearted and maybe move on so she can be quickly replaced with the new woman. She can't hurt him because he doesn't care about her in fact the response he expects from her will make him feel desirable. Leaving him without a word and biting back with someone close to him, will kill his ego, and ego building is what cheatings about anyway.

He will be angry and his original mate will suddenly seem very important, it will leave him angry, confused and wield a horrendous blow to his confidence. This memorable experience may just leave a scar that hopefully itches the next time he decides to take advantage of a woman who loves and waits for him.

Women have been dreamy pushovers for so long its no wonder men give adultery no thought. They don't expect any recriminations from their acts. It up to the abused one to leave a mark that's not quickly forgotten, and might save another honest women the pain.

By the way this goes for all cheaters male or female. The only thing someone has to do to move on to someone New is to tell their partner, I want out, THEN move on. That easy, help them learn, dont take it, and turn the other cheek.

That's been done way too long.

Jan 26, 2013
To Last remark: end the cheater?????
by: Anonymous

Why would you give a suggestion like that???

Why would you even think that two wrongs make a right??

Why would you tell someone to lower themselves as the other has???

You have no sense. You got some issues and you are not helpful in any way....

Dons listen to this knucklehead "trucker boyfriend" and make wise decision that you can be proud of and that you must live with the rest of your life.

Jan 26, 2013
End to the cheater
by: Anonymous

I would pack up and be gone when he gets home. No explanation just gone. If its your place, I would have everything he owns packed up and put in storage, leave him a key and directions to the storage unit. Again I would leave no explanation.

One last thing, if he has a single brother or best friend, I would seduce him and make sure a mutual friend let's him know about it. Let him wonder. It's the worst punishment.

Trust me. You do a great service to the next trusting, innocent woman he gets involved with.

Jan 26, 2013
End to the cheater
by: Anonymous

I would pack up and be gone when he gets home. No explanation just gone. If its your place, I would have everything he owns packed up and put in storage, leave him a key and directions to the storage unit.

Again I would leave no explanation. One last thing, if he has a single brothr or best friend, I would seduce him and make sure a mutual friend let's him know about it.

Let him wonder. It's the worst punishment. Trust me. You do a great service to the next trusting, innocent woman he gets involved with.

Jan 26, 2013
based on trust
by: Godsgirlisreal

I am a newly wed, and my husband is home only one over night a week, the thing that keeps us going is that we put God first, and we have trust.

You have lost the trust in your relationship from his doing. The best thing to do is to tell him what you discovered, letting him know that he left it up on fb.

This is just another reason I hate FB when it is used to hurt

Jan 26, 2013
Yes be honest and communicate
by: Anonymous

Like you said, you stumbled across his face book, he was not logged out, this is not prying, it was an accident, how else could of you found it open?

He did not give you his pass to get in right? You meant no harm by seeing what was right there in your face.

If you explain it honestly he would figure out that you didn't have his pass, and know it was not done on purpose right.

If he is honest he will not go off on you....and explain what it meant.....if he goes off on you and accuses you of getting in to his account, then that will be his own guilt showing up.

Right there and then you will have the truth. Turn your head end the conversation with an I'm sorry you feel this way, and the next time he leaves out pack your bags and run as far away from this kind of drama as you can.

On the other hand if he owns up to it and is honest you have a choice to end it, and both of you can either stick it out or both of you can leave the relationship with a clear conscious of doing the right thing for each other.

Both of you will have learned a valuable lesson in what honesty and communication is really about, and not all will have been a lost.

Good Luck!

Jan 26, 2013
by: Rob

...is that from his child or a stripper?! I don't know the-rest-of-the-story so all i can do is ask if you have just been physical with this guy or if you both have talked to the point he can say "...Hon we've been together for awhile but i've got to confess i have a kid with an evil wench who is all over me for support..." Possible?

Anything is possible but IF you love him there should be communication and if he is intimidated by you maybe it's best you DO end it now. Good luck to you both.

Jan 25, 2013
by: Anonymous

Love yourself enough not to ever become a man's second best, but only you can answer that question. You have to do what's best for you. Because at the end of the day you are the only one who has to live and be content with the consequences. Good luck to you..

Jan 25, 2013
Your awesome
by: Sari

I just amazed you haven't said anything and
Yes if you do leave and he doesn't know why.

I'm not sure he deserves to know why? Since
He's not being honest.I do know since your second
Guessing it go with your gut .

I pray all the best for you and you are a remarkable
Amazing women!

Jan 25, 2013
Say Goodbye
by: Anonymous

I can't believe you would even entertain the thought of staying. Sounds like you are a kind and caring woman. Lots of guys out there would probably love to have someone like you in their lives.

Ditch this bum and move on.

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