I love this life as a trucker's wife!!!

by Becky

My husband and I are both 43. I have two grown kids and he has a 12 yr old that lives with us. He is gone all week but comes in most weekends.

I teach elementary school. I love coming home and doing as I please, when I please!! I love being able to read or have the TV to myself but also be able to talk and visit with him whenever I want to.

Then I get to look forward to having him there on the weekends! We have a great weekend and then I get to enjoy my alone time again.

It's a dream come true!

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Jan 02, 2013
Thank you!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you!! Finally someone who loves this life like I do and no b*tching and complaining!! I love my life as a truckers wife and wouldnt want it any other way!! I wish there were more sites or post for "woman who love the life" or "woman who are strong and supportive of this life". I get so tired of reading about all the complaints etc.. Seriously.. its not that bad!! Lol. Congrats and best to you always!!

Apr 02, 2012
Thanks! NEW
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend of 2+ years just started OTR. I have the same attitude as you do. I do miss him like crazy, but I love my time to do things for my Mom, go with my friends, cook what I like. When he is home, I love being able to focus completely on him.

Feb 23, 2012
So glad you posted! NEW
by: Anonymous

You are definitely a woman who is comfortable in her own shoes. That being said, I've read a lot of posts from wives who are new to the business and struggling. Hopefully, they'll stumble upon your post and have a little faith and find a new hobby that they enjoy to keep them busy when they're lonely.

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