I need a crash course on owner operating.

by Ron Carr
(Detroit, Mi. USA)

All the information that I can find is scattered all over the internet in a variety of separate and disjointed blogs etc. I need a crash course in O/O A to Z.

For instance, is it smarter to buy an older cheaper truck that might break down soon or a truck in the $50,000 range where the payments may be too difficult for a beginner to handle?

I only have about 16 months experience & I've already screwed myself up so bad that I'm not employable, so I'm determined to buy my own truck. My credit is very good because I have income other than truck driving.

I'm pretty sure that I can't hire in with my record even as an owner operator, so my only option would be to bid on jobs. Do I need my own trailer?

My offenses are not really that significant but they look bad on paper. If you are of a mind to offer advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Jul 27, 2016
Owner Operating Tips
by: Hervy

Ron all of the info that you need is on and connected to this page man.

Owner operator tips

Take a mechanic with you to buy a truck. New or used depends on whether you are ok with knowing it might breakdown but lower taxes vs higher payment but likely to have less mechanical issues.(generally speaking)

Plus whether you are leasing on somewhere or getting your own authority.

Whether you need a trailer or not depends on whether you get your own authority or lease on.

If you are going to bid on job and pick your own freight, yes in most cases you will need to buy a trailer. Get a nice one, it doesn't have to be brand new.

You can use load board, which is linked from the owner operator page.

Ultimately though, you want to make contact with direct shippers and receivers.

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