i need advice about dealing with this lifestyle

by chelsea

We've been dating for almost two years now, engaged for one year, we were suppose to get married may but found out in January we're pregnant.

And with insurance complications we decided to hold off on the wedding til our baby is here. This is my first child and im very scared of doing this alone.

I love and appreciate my man more then he realizes. I just want to know if it ever gets easier?

The nights i have to go without talking to him because he has no service, its been almost two days now and i'm loosing it. I'm terrified. Calling all the hospitals in the area he is in and checking traffic reports.

Does it ever get easier? I love him more then words can express but i feel like just giving up sometimes. Am i the only one?

I cant picture my life without him, but the stress is overwhelming. I'm almost 8 months pregnant, i shouldn't be stressed like this. Does it ever get easier?

Does the loneliness ever go away? Or is this something i have to just get use to?

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Jun 27, 2012
Welcome! :) NEW
by: Anonymous

Your welcome Chelsea and hang in there girl. There could be worse things like he could be without a job while you are pregnant. My guy got stuck in the woods one time in the middle of the night. I thought I was worried, he never would admit it to anyone but me, but it scared the crappp out of him and this has made him wiser in his timing and directions. But all in all sh.... happens right. We take the good with the bad that is what we call balance.

Have a great day! :)

Jun 27, 2012
thank you NEW
by: Chelsea

Wel i found out his lhone actually broke and he got stuck out in the middle of no where and his truck broke down. He doesnt have a company phone. But thank you everyone who commented and gave advice. I appreciate everyone who left a helpful comment. I noticed one badone. Andi know my man would never leave me. Unless i did something for him to have a reason. Which i would never. Iwas just stressed out, and needed some advice. Im hoping this never happens again cause when im stressed i tend to think tbe worse. But thank you everyone for your good advice. I appreciate it.

Jun 27, 2012
Give Me a break!! Last Post NEW
by: Anonymous

Let you tell it fat one!! How could so much trash come out of one human beings mouth is what I want to know? And just because it happens to you does not mean it will happen to everyone. And furthermore just because one man did it to you does not mean ALL men do that to women. How ignorant can one be????

It was going so well here and that's all it takes is one knucklehead to ruin it!!

Jun 26, 2012
And the story repeats itself NEW
by: Truth teller

He will dump you as soon you deliver the baby, men are heartless walking creatures who just want a hot girl around them , once they get fat they go for the next one.

Jun 26, 2012
well it takes a strong person to handle lonelyness NEW
by: ye old truck driver

sweety :

It takes a strong person to handle lonelyness, my first two wifes couldnt but we are still friends.

Trucking was in my blood and thats all I could do to make a good living at that time. long hours and many miles, and no cell phones back then.

sometimes i was gone a week then two even up to a month, so i'm not sure what to say to you at this point in time but do some real thinking about it.

Not just for you but your baby comming, I just cant understand why your boy friend cant call you every other day. Even just to tell you how much he cares and loves you, yes some cell phone i understand don't work good in areas but it doesnt last for ever they come back in a few mile or so. Now htere are still pay phones or company phones which he can ask to use . I did and not on company refused me just to check and see if everything was ok at home.

wow he has a new born comming soon and doesnt call you to make sure your ok? i'm woundering if he is ready for marage.

well you have a lot going on with a new born comming soon and you need to do alot of thinking, just take your time in marage as its harder to get out than to get in.

my frist two wifes are still living and we all are friends, I'm retired and lost my last wife but I can relate to lonelyness. I miss her with all my heart.

So do alot of thinking even for that little one on its way. I wish the best for you and your new born.
ye old truck driver .

Jun 25, 2012
Easier...idk NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been with my husband for 3 years, and it does get easier as time passes, but you will still miss him. There will be a lot to do with the new baby, and that will keep you busy. Metro service is pretty good, but even if there are some times when you can't talk, you can't let yourself get stressed. One day at a time is my husband's favorite saying, but it works. With each day that passes, you are that much closer to seeing each other. And those are the moments to hold on to. Hope things get easier for you, honey!

Jun 25, 2012
Easier...idk NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been with my husband for 3 years, and it does get easier as time passes, but you will still miss him. There will be a lot to do with the new baby, and that will keep you busy. Metro service is pretty good, but even if there are some times when you can't talk, you can't let yourself get stressed. One day at a time is my husband's favorite saying, but it works. With each day that passes, you are that much closer to seeing each other. And those are the moments to hold on to. Hope things get easier for you, honey!

Jun 25, 2012
Hard times for married couples and harder for kido's NEW
by: ye-old truck driver

well sweety: when I drove there were no such thing as cell phones, we had only Cb's and land lines pay phones or some times in house phones at truck stop at tables for use.

so i'm not to sure whats going on but if there is a need or want to call, i'm sure there is a way to find a phone of some kind.

But please let me tell you something, its a lonely life for both of you and more so for the kido's.

I have been married three times, first two couldnt take the lonelyness, and being with the kido's that asked all the time when is daddy comming home. response was soon i hope.

So all I can say is good luck, with what you getting in to.

I had children with my first two wifes, but none with my third but all the kido's love me and we are all close. of course now they are all older and some married now.

But all I have to say, if he wants to call there is away some how, even if he is at a delivery stop, lots of times they would let me use the company phone to call home.

So good luck sweety over 3 mil miles under my belt and retired now so I no what yer going through.
ye-old truck driver.

Jun 25, 2012
Hard time for married couples NEW
by: ye-old truck driver

well sweety when I drove there were no such thing as cell phones, we had only Cb's and land lines pay phones or some times in house phones at truck stop at tables for use.

so i'm not to sure whats going on but if there is a need or want to call, i'm sure there is a way to find a phone of some kind.

But please let me tell you something, its a lonely life for both of you and more so for the kido's.

I have been married three times, first two couldnt take the lonelyness, and being with the kido's that asked all the time when is daddy comming home.

So all I can say is good luck, with what you getting in to.

I had children with my first two wifes, but none with my third but all the kido's love me and we are all close. of course now they are all older and some married now.

But all I have to say if he wants to call there is away some how, even if he is at a dilvery stop, lots of time they would let me use the company phone to call home.

So good luck sweety over 3 mil mile under my belt and retired now so I no what yer going through.
ye-old truck driver.

Jun 25, 2012
Sorry about your phone service! NEW
by: Anonymous

Try ATT!! My trucker guy drives long all through hills, mountains, deserts, from the west coast to the east coast, never having more than 6 or so hours of no service in any one state he travels they have good aerial outside antennas to place on the outside of truck for contact... radio stations cb"s etc.... if there is a way there is a way.

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