I really need a second chance

by Kenny

Hi, My name is kenny. I just graduated from driving school 12/2010. I've been placing job applacation all over the place, still havent heard from anyone.

My criminal record isn't really bad. In 2004, i got caught with a small bag of cocaine within 1,000 feet of school zone. I was placed on 6 months probation and had to go drug and alchcol classes (finished) My charge wasn't a felony.

My driving record, my licensed been suspended for child support, unpaid ticket (seat belt, excise tax and driving with suspended license x2)

Does anybody know who will give me a second chance, I'am from webster,ma I never had a speeding ticket, dui or accident.

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Mar 06, 2011
trucking after drug convictions
by: Hervy

Kenny congrats on staying out of the systems limelight man. Also on getting your CDL.

Like Jimmy said you just have to keep knocking on doors. They say Carolina Cargo looks out for people needing a second chance.

Carolina cargo

I don't see your record as being all that bad though especially since it was 5 years ago. I would definitely keep knocking if I were you.

Good luck. Also look at the advice I gave Jose

Mar 04, 2011
A 2nd chance will come one day
by: Jimmy

That's a problem if job hunting. You just need to keep knocking on doors, and hopefully one will open. Good luck...... Jimmy

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