I really want to know about taking my Dog with me trucking

by Collin Barnette
(Visalia, Ca)

Me and Molly

Me and Molly

I am planning to start truck driving school this month. I have researched quite a bit and since my previous career as a printer is going away I became very interested in driving. But, the recruiter has been very hard to pin down on the question of taking my dog. I live alone and mostly keep to myself so truck driving is naturally applealing but my constant companion has been my very well trained(actually service dog certified)best friend Molly.

So, how are the companies,really, about a driver having a dog?

Molly is not a big dog, about 35 pounds. She is very good with a people and other animals and is not destructive in any way. She can hold it way longer than me and I have never had a problem taking her anywhere. In fact she has been across the continent several times by car, flown on air lines and of course been anywhere and everywhere you can think of.

Tell me please what your thoughts are.

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Dec 06, 2016
Werner allows dogs with $250 deposit
by: Anonymous

Werner takes new drivers and they allow dogs. 250.oo non refundable deposit (taken 50.oo per week) and a 5.oo per week fee. Well worth the cost in my opinion.

Sep 12, 2016
I have a toy poodle will I be able to take it trucking
by: Anonymous

Service Dogs are not certified, but you are required in California to have a Dr letter stating your need for the dog. California, Kern County will issue you a service dog tag for free. Just keep the Rabies current.

There is a public access test that your dog should pass, but unfortunately it can't be enforced.

My service dog is a toy poodle, very smart, clean, and goes everywhere with me. She loved riding in an ambulance once, and just curled up on the hospital bed. X-rays, CT Scans, Surgery, court, she is always by my side.

According to the Federal law, a service dog has the same classification as a wheelchair, not an animal. And is tax deductible for everything you spend on her.

But now I am looking at CDL schools and jobs. Not sure what to do at this point. My husband walked off with everything, business, kids, money and now I need a decent paying job that takes me away from the mess he created.

All the jobs and schools I have been looking at, say no pets. Just because they can't legally say no, I don't like to push it. At first I thought that it would be perfect for us. But now i'm not sure what to do

Any advice, or information from someone who has been through this would be great.

Dec 23, 2015
by: Anonymous

If Molly is your service dog then no one can keep her from you. Though as a note, there are no service dog certifications that are recognized by the ADA. All the online registrations are scams and not recognized.

Normally one has to be legally disabled and have a doctors script in order to have a service dog so I am a bit confused as to her being a service dog in the 1st place.

Aug 10, 2015
Service Dogs
by: Anonymous

A service dog CANNOT be told they cannot accompany you....by law, they can go ANYWHERE a human normally can go with the exception of a private club or a room that requires a sterile environment.

But you have to have verification by a doctor stating the need, and certification of the animal being trained.

Jan 09, 2009
Yes I know.
by: Anonymous

I live with the ignorance toward well trained and obedient dogs every day. This has got to be the main reason I have spent so many years training Molly to earn her certification as a Service Dog. Molly can go anywhere I go period.

We have put in the time learning to communicate. She knows her job, only part of which is to stay calm, alert to me and of others, and not get distracted by all the goings on around us.

I would not want to leave her in the truck when it was being serviced. It's not fare for the dog and could, most likely, make the mechanic a little nervous. She has been across this country many times by road and air. As a service dog she does not get stuffed in a crate in the luggage compartment she rides in the cabin with me.

I also always stay aware of my responsibilities of letting her do her business in a proper place and clean up after her when necessary.

In support of your comments I can agree that most people treat their four legged companions as objects. The norm in our society is to abandon them to the back yard or not really give them any concern unless they are damaging something or doing something inappropriate. Then when they are in public they are a handful for everyone concerned. Dog owners seem to be oblivious to others when they let their Bo run around off lead barking sniffing, pooping, and visiting at will.
I see very few well cared for, well trained dogs.

As far as getting booted off a truck somewhere. I would like to say that I am an individual with a strong work ethic. I go about my driving in a safe, professional and courteous manner.

I am dedicated to whatever I may be doing and take pride and ownership in my equipment and a job well done. But in the event I should have to seek other transportation I am secure that having Molly with me will brighten my day and be my best friend whatever the situation.

Jan 06, 2009
collin/molly on the road
by: jimmy

Collin, here's the scoop. Almost any co nowadays allow pets on board and require a deposit. but you need to think about this. when you are at a shipper/consignee or the company terminal, you can't leave the dog in the truck while the shop mechanics are working on your truck and you can't take her into the office area.

If you're walking her on the shippers property, many shippers are reluctant to allow dogs out because they will do their business on the property.. also, when you start with a trainer, i would doubt the trainer wants your dog on board.

If you mess up far from home and get fired, are you prepared to get off the ruck with all your stuff and a dog , then try to get home?
Positively no dogs allowed at orientation, for sure.
good luck------

Dec 15, 2008
I get more info all the time
by: Collin

Well as I've started driving school now and had a chance to talk to many others I can say that this is a burning question with a lot of people. Many companies will let you take your pet. Some require a deposit and others are more in tune with what it means to have your fury buddy with you providing the support and warm Fuzzies, as it were, to get you through your days.

I'll be back with more info as I answer this question for myself and others.

Stay Safe.

Dec 08, 2008
Trucking with your dog
by: Collin Barnette


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Yep, Molly is the perfect candidate for going anywhere. She is a Queensland Heeler. They are very intelligent and loyal one person dogs. You'll see them around farms and live stock herding and working as a extra hand to their owners.

I am researching the whole thing, that's how I found your site.

Of course I will keep you updated.

Dec 06, 2008
Molly the Co Driver
by: Hervy

Hello Collin,

I don't know what's wrong with the recruiter unless he thinks you are trying to bring the dog to truck driving school. lol.

A lot of companies now will allow you to take your dog and I see a lot of dogs out here. Sounds like Molly is a perfect candidate being trained and all.

What kind of dog is she.

She look like she likes getting her picture taken.
Nice pic, I wish more people uploaded pics when they left a question or message.

Let me know how it goes

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