I received a speeding ticket. How can I beat it, and avoid points in my license?

by Corey
(Clermont, FL Lake County)

I got a speeding ticket about a month ago. I cannot afford any more points on my license. On the ticket the officer wrote that my license type is a class b license, yet he also put that I do not have a CDL.

I can ask for a four week extension so that I can look further into it, and I will call tomorrow when they are open to do so.

Hopefully I can schedule a court date as well, and they will have sympathy on me.

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Nov 07, 2013
Dangerous NEW
by: Anonymous

What do you mean by "I cannot afford to have any more points on my CDL"?

Do you have multiple tickets? Sounds like you're a habitual offender. You should have thought about this before you decided to speed. You sleep in the bed you make.

Oct 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

your best bet is to hire an attorney they have all the tricks up their sleeves they have helped to keep my husband on the road with tickets and points for truck drivers fall off pretty quickly.

They have what they call dropping the speeding to coasting and only lawyers know how to use this as a defense. we tried on our own and it doesn't work. so get an attorney cost us about 1500.00 not bad compared to what he makes as a living and they take payments too!!

its worth it to keep your cdl!! good luck

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