I renewed my class A, with hazmat, but decided not to get the background check. Will this hold up receiving my permanent license?

I renewed my CA class A license with all of the endorsements, including hazmat, but decided not to get the hazmat security background check until I need it. Is it o.k. to get the hazmat on the license, and then wait to get the check, or will this hold up receiving my permanent class A.

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Oct 14, 2015
no choice.... NEW
by: Anonymous

In order to get the Hazmat Endorsement on your license (x) you MUST get the TSA background triple Federal check done!

If you do not, you will end up taking the Hazmat test again and paying again. I wouldnt want to do that as the Haz Endorsement is not just pure logic like the other tests are. You have to memorize numbers, combinations of numbers, etc, etc.

Yes, there are some common-logic type questions, as there are on all tests, but the Hazmat ALWAYS requires some studying, even if youve been hauling it forever. Laws change, etc. etc.

Trust me, I've had a Hazmat endorsement my whole life.

Get the TSA background check done. Mine always goes faster when I provide my Passport. They will take that piece of identification OVER your license, TWIC, or anything else.

Get it done or pay again.....

Oct 14, 2015
Best luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Must of done background check first before renewed. I know in NC if don't do background check first before renew, they will drop it off ur license, and if want it back, u must take background check And of take the hazmat test before get that endorsement back into ur license

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